Tuesday, January 02, 2007

nostalgiaphile rounds up

nostalgiaphile takes his first shot at a blog round up, and leaves some interesting personal comments after all the posts he rounds up, like...

This post has a lot of personal interest for me, and I actually decided to sign up to become a "Citizen Journalist" after reading it. Why? Well, as a fellow South Carolinian whose family, like Edwards', also worked in the cotton mills, and then watched them pack away to S. America, I can say with conviction that Edwards isn't your usual hack politician. He speaks "the mind of the south" and, and in a way that I think will resonate with voters in a way not seen in the US since Clinton during the early 1990s. Edwards in 2008! Yeah!

Edwards inspires a lot of devotion.....keep up the great work, nostalgiaphile!

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