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Su had faced charges of accepting NT$5 million (US$174,845) in bribes to speed up approval of a landfill in the county by skipping an environmental assessment. Prosecutors had argued for a 15-year sentence and an eight-year suspension of civil rights.The arrest of Su, who had a reputation for integrity, was especially outrageous and one was of a series of events that prompted the first Open Letter from Scholars on the situation in Taiwan. Jon Adams had a good article on the arrests at the time.
“There’s nothing happy about this ruling today. I have been innocent from the start in this case,” Su somberly told hundreds of supporters after the verdict was announced. “I have never accepted even one dollar in bribes.”
Suggesting that the decision relied on testimony from a key witness, Su said that she would like to thank a special person that “stood as firm as a mountain.”
“There are many things that I will not be able to disclose publicly, but I would like to especially thank a special friend,” Su said. “I especially express gratitude to you and am especially thankful for you.”
The ruling was keenly watched after Su and other DPP politicians said that prosecutors were on a “political witch hunt” to find misconduct connected to the Yunlin County commissioner.
But let's recall -- how was public opinion in this case even constructed? Oh yeah -- the infamous skit that showed Chen Shui-bian as an AIDS victim. Remember that? The Ministry said it was OK because it reflected the sentiment on the island. And then there were the leaks about the case from the prosecutors, which caused the local judicial reform foundation to slam the prosecutors back in Dec of 2008. And remember when 8 prosecutors called a press conference to announce that they would pursue the Chen case to get a conviction right to the bitter end, which I said at the time was basically an admission that they had no evidence? Then there was the flow of new charges... This constant churning of the media by the prosecutors, as well as the baying for Chen's blood in the pro-KMT press, has of course had a profound effect on public opinion. "Trial by media," the South China Morning Post, no friend of the DPP, called it. But the prosecutors citing public opinion in their appeal, the public opinion that they themselves helped nurture through their own questionable actions, is surely a new low.The second act of this trial-by-media approach is to use the attacks on DPPers to whip up votes for the KMT.
Chen was indicted Sept. 22, 2009 for withholding US$30,000 from a sum of US$100,000 given to him by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for discretionary spending during each of his 11 overseas trips as president between August 2000 and September 2006.This means that, in addition to a couple of cases still pending, Chen is in jail for two things -- accepting a bribe from Diana Chen case (see this post) and the Koo family land case bribe. The Koos were in court last week in connection with a different case when this came out.
The prosecutors charged in the indictment that Chen wired the funds -- a total of US$330,000 -- to his son Chen Chih-chung, who was studying in the United States at the time.
But the judges dismissed the indictment as "a shoddy mishmash of evidence without a morsel of credibility."
They said the prosecutors contradicted themselves by claiming in their indictment that the spending of the allowances was "totally under the control of the Foreign Ministry and the president had no say in the matter, " but in the same breath, the indictment said that "the allowances were meant to finance the president's unexpected spending on state affairs."
The judges also criticized the prosecutors for using the testimony of Wu Wang-hsia, mother of ex-first lady Wu Shu-jen, against her daughter, despite being fully aware that Wu Wang-hsia was not of sound mind and actually misidentified her son as her husband occasionally in her deposition.
Furthermore, the judges said, there were long gaps between the times Chen Shui-bian wired funds to Chen Chih-chung and the times he allegedly embezzled the diplomatic funds, making the prosecutors' claims allegedly embezzled the diplomatic funds, making the prosecutors' claims that the ex-president used the diplomatic funds to finance his son's studies
台灣高等法院昨天開庭審理中信金控前副董事長辜仲諒的紅火案,律師陳明、金延華均作證指出,紅火公司獲利的新台幣三億元並未流進陳水扁家,因辜仲諒擔心返台被押,才會幫辜做出不實陳報狀。Don't read Chinese? It says that a $300 million NT bribe that was allegedly given to the Chen Shui-bian family never went to them. Read the first page of this Commonwealth article to get a feel for the claim(s). Testimony in the Chen case was also collected from Jeffrey Koo, another Koo family scion, who was on the run from authorities, came back to Taiwan to "testify" in connection with the alleged bribe and was interrogated for two hours but notes only covered a half-hour, and then sent out of the country again. No deal was made, claimed prosecutors. Chen case coverage here.
Tsai Ing-wen posted the following comment on her Facebook page regarding the verdict in Su's case. My translation in English follows.In related news, the Taipei Times had another editorial on the revolting saga of the Hsichih trio.
今天下午,蘇治芬縣長在一審獲判無罪,在等待判決的這段期間,我相信雲林鄉親和我一樣,對蘇縣長個人能力、操守一直抱以高度的肯定和信任,現在司法還給蘇縣長清白,也還給所有的雲林鄉親一個公道,個人感到相當欣慰。同時,檢察系統動輒政治辦案,濫刑起訴、濫權收押,侵害人民司法人權的嚴重狀況,已經到了不得不全面檢討、改革的地步,這也將是未來我們推動司法改革的重點。][This afternoon Yunlin County Commissioner Su Chih-fen was found not guilty in the first hearing. During the period of waiting for the verdict I believe that the people of Yunlin County have always kept their trust in the ability and personal integrity of Su just like I have. The justice system has returned Su's state of innocence. It has also given the people of Yunlin County a sense of justice. Everybody can have a sense of feeling gratified.At the same time, the prosecutors have easily politicised cases, indiscriminately filed charges and excessively used pre-trial detention. The situation of judicial rights is serious and infringes on everyone. It has reached the point where there is no choice but to make the promotion of a comprehensive review and reform of the justice system a key focus in the future.]I was disappointed by Tsai's weak response to my question about the death penalty at the meeting last Saturday. However, her comments about judicial reform in response to another question were much more impressive. I think these comments show that Tsai realises judicial reform is a task of the utmost importance if she is elected to the presidency. However, despite her legal background this is a task that Tsai cannot complete on her own. She needs strong support from the legal community and all those who support human rights and justice in Taiwan.
China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) warned the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday that it risked serious problems if it pressed for independence.
“If [their] cross-strait policy is established on a ‘Taiwan independence’ splittist basis ... it does not matter how ingenious the packaging, it will certainly ... damage the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and affect stability in the Taiwan Strait,” TAO spokesman Yang Yi (楊毅) said.
The article has some good information on how voters might compare the two.In telephone surveys carried out by the United Daily News (UDN) and the China Times, Tsai was marginally ahead of Ma, while Ma narrowly outpaced Tsai in a similar poll done by the TVBS cable channel.
If only she were rational like Beijing, and threatened to maim and murder to get her way. Bloomberg's reporting does not present any of Dr. Tsai's qualifications, accomplishments, or policy stances, save that she once angered Beijing. No slant there! Readers must wonder who she is and why she was selected. I thank Bloomberg for this; reporting like this is responsible for the continued existence of us bloggers.“On the surface she seems mild and rational,” said Wang Jianmin, a researcher on Taiwan at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. “She is in fact quite a separatist. If she becomes president, the cross-strait relationship will suffer a huge reversal.”
The Kuomintang Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan with tens of thousands of followers in 1949 after losing the civil war to Mao Zedong. Though political rivals, the KMT and Communist Party are united in their one-China policy, while native Taiwanese like Tsai and Lee have increasingly sought to carve out an independent state.That's actually a fairly good representation of the current state of affairs and kudos to Bloomberg for printing it. Much better than AP's asinine, erroneous, and pro-Beijing "split in 1949".
But she also acknowledges that a robust commercial relationship with China — combined with strong ties with other countries — is necessary for Taiwan's long-term prosperity. That is a significant departure from the policies of the DPP's Chen Shui-bian, who infuriated China during his 2000-2008 presidency by pushing for greater independence.The Economist has a similar piece here.
Tsai, who has a doctorate from the London School of Economics, began her political career in the late 1990s under former Nationalist President Lee Teng-hui as an adviser on Taiwan's National Security Council.
She reportedly made several secret trips to Washington to help ease American worries about Chen's independence-leaning stance while serving as head of the Cabinet-level body responsible for China ties between 2000 and 2004.
‘Her “middle-of-the-road” approach to China — engage, but with caution and with clearly defined red lines when it comes to Taiwan’s sovereignty — should have appeal with centrist, undecided, and “light blue” KMT voters. Within the pan-green camp, her willingness to adopt a more “pragmatic” policy of engagement China could lose her votes and support with the “deep greens,” but at the end of the day their relatively small number shouldn’t have too much of an impact.’The China propaganda rag WantChinaTimes has a report here. It contains little you haven't already seen.
And where does she stand on the issue of Taiwan’s sovereignty? Cole told me that Tsai’s adherence to the DPP charter, which clearly emphasizes Taiwan’s sovereignty, and the perception that she won’t yield on that fundamental aspect of her platform, should be sufficient to allay fears as she makes her case for engaging China that she would “sell out” Taiwan in the process, ‘something that has haunted Ma and the KMT.’
He added: ‘She has relatively little experience running for office, with her bid for New Taipei City mayor in late November last year representing the first time she did so. While some would say she comes across as “bookish,” she has undeniable charm and is Western educated, with good English skills. She’s of Hakka descent and also speaks Taiwanese (also known as Hoklo) fairly well, meaning that she can tap into those resources for support.'
Taiwan's main opposition party says chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has secured its presidential nomination after winning an island-wide telephone poll.Hahahaha. The media will never get the DPP's relations with China correct. AP even slipped in the historically erroneous "split in 1949" formula, which has nothing to do with anything else in that paragraph or indeed with the announcement at all.
The Democratic Progressive Party is expected to announce Tsai's nomination formally on May 4. The poll results were disclosed at a party press conference in Taipei on Wednesday.
A cool-headed intellectual, Tsai has departed from the DPP's anti-China tradition and promoted exchanges with the mainland. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949.
Tung Chen-yuan, a professor at Taipei's National Chengchi University's Graduate Institute of Development Studies, cast his eye on the numbers after the so-called early-harvest list of goods subject to tariff concessions 539 Taiwanese products and 267 mainland products – went into effect Jan. 1 under the ECFA.Read the whole thing. It's a devastating indictment in every way, if true.
After the list, an object of considerable political wrangling between the ruling Kuomingtang (KMT) and its opponents, came online, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) began placing advertising in local newspapers, boasting that “according to statistics,” the value of Chinese imports from Taiwan in January and February increased by 20.19 percent. It was further pointed out that the rise included a 28.47 percent increase in the value of products exported on the early harvest list.
For President Ma Ying-jeou's administration, it seemed like a pretty obvious win and that those railing against the trade deal with China were wrong. But Tung, the author previously of a sobering look at Taiwanese business people being victimized on the mainland, Doing Business in China Isn't All Roses, Asia Sentinel, Feb. 21, says the government is promoting a fairytale.
Here’s the catch: instead of the rather sobering economic data gathered by the Taiwanese authorities themselves, the KMT government has been presenting China's trade numbers as its own to make its case for the ECFA to its people.
Ma had the confidence of 43.5 percent of the people polled, according to an April 20 statement on the website of Taipei- based Global Views Survey Research Center. As many as 32.9 percent of the respondents in the survey said his performance was satisfactory, according to the statement.Hahahaha!! Most of the article is arguably slanted -- note that it quotes Ma's statement without contextualizing information (growth this year is expect to check in at ~4.3%, for example), but the above paragraph is truly priceless. "As many as 32.9%...." Here's what I wrote about that selfsame poll:
Good news for the DPP as Ma's poll numbers, which peaked briefly in Jan, are appearing to return to their more natural level of 32.9%, as the latest Global Views poll indicates. Dissatisfaction with Ma is now at 56%. This is the third straight month of slumping numbers for the President, so perhaps we've established a trend. Similarly, the numbers from the TVBS poll from the first week in April were 30% satisfied and 50% dissatisfied. The mess with the appointment of the judge appears to have hurt Ma, whose ridiculous explanations were not believed. In that same poll TVBS also asked about the Kuokuang Petrochemical complex, confirming my anecdotal experience: just 22% supported it, while 48% oppose it.In other words, the Bloomberg paragraph is pure spin; the trust numbers cited in it are similarly in a slump. It is not difficult to discover that Ma's numbers are in a slump; the GVSRC explanation of the numbers makes that clear:
GVSRC poll indicated President Ma’s approval rating was 35 percent and disapproval rating 52 percent. Compared with last month, Ma's approval rating slipped 3 percentage points and his disapproval rating edged up by 0.7 percentage points. 42.4 percent of the polled had trust in President Ma but 43.2 percent said otherwise. Compared with the previous month, the level of public trust in Ma dropped 3 percentage points while the level of public distrust in Ma advanced 3.1 percentage points. Generally speaking, President Ma receives more negative evaluation and less positive evaluation on his approval rating and public trust rating this month. Public evaluation on President Ma returns to the level he received during the five mayoral elections in November last year.The GVSRC didn't want to complete the thought, but the KMT won 3 of 5 of the mayoral elections only because one local gangbanger decided to assassinate another and instead shot the son of a powerful local politician. In other words the GVSRC is setting out a warning that Ma's numbers signal vulnerability.
Driving at 60 kph into the hills beyond the Beitou rapid transit station, the minibus negotiates a couple of mountain curves, passing the Kuo-Hua Golf Course in the district of Siaopingding before coming to a halt at the ongoing construction site of Nan Kuo Village, a mountainside luxury housing development with expansive sea views. The luxury villas overlooking the mouth of the Danshui River and Taipei 101 are going for NT$800,000 per ping (about NT$242,400/sq. meter), and with the smallest units covering 256 pings (a ping equals 3.3 square meters), entry into this community will set you back several million bucks. A number of Chinese clients have already ponied up, looking to become the new neighbors in Greater Taipei.What will be the effects? The article notes that since Hong Kong since its partnership agreement with Beijing, the property market has soared, with per-ping land prices tripling or more. Even after the US financial industry wrecked the world economy, the Hong Kong property market has continued to routinely set records, fed by Chinese demand. The second article notes how Chinese investment is already at work in Taiwan:
"Selling Taiwanese property to mainlanders is really just too easy," says one Chinese realtor. In Taiwan, you're not only buying a good living standard and good views, you're also buying rights to the land in perpetuity.
Relative to the residential property usage rights limits of 70 years in China and 99 years in Hong Kong, Taiwan's excellent system of individual property rights protections has become a major selling point since the opening of direct links and the subsequent signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement. And the newly wealthy Chinese merchant class does not shy away from high prices. To illustrate, initial sales of units in the Huang Hsiang F4 Building, a luxury residential complex along Songren Rd. in Taipei's Xinyi District that may fetch as much as NT$2.5 million per ping (about NT$758,000 per sq. meter), have been set aside for Chinese businesspeople.
They have penetrated the computer and electronics, optoelectronics, banking and property markets, adding a new variable to Taiwan's competitive environment and quietly entering the lives of Taiwan's people. The online games children play, the houses and hotels we live in, our neighbors, the media we are exposed to and even our jobs – could all be under the shadow of Chinese ownership.The effects on Taiwanese firms have yet to be felt. There has also been Chinese money quietly flowing into the property development now going on in Taichung, I have heard from two independent sources. Dunno if that is true. But it is clear that Taiwan's investment regulations and restrictions are easy to skirt and Chinese are pros at doing so. For years Chinese firms took money out China and funneled it through the Caribbean to return it to China as "foreign investment" and receive the tax breaks for being "foreign".
Since Chinese investment in Taiwan was liberalized in July 2009, the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Investment Commission has approved 120 Chinese investment projects with pledged investment of US$140 million as of the end of February.
The US$12.2 billion invested by Taiwanese businesses in China last year was nearly 100 times that amount (and cumulative Taiwanese investment there is nearly 1,000 times the amount). The numbers appear lopsided, but China's investment in Taiwan is actually far greater than the nominal figures would suggest. Through their use of a global network of subsidiaries and affiliates, Chinese enterprises have grabbed stakes in Taiwan in many different sectors, including those that have yet to be legally opened to Chinese investment.
A number of big Chinese corporate names have entered Taiwan through affiliates in third countries (taking stakes of less than 30 percent). Many made plays of this nature even before investment permit regulations for Chinese investors were issued in 2009. Lenovo invested through the PC department of IBM Netherlands. Alibaba established a presence through its Singapore subsidiary, and telecom services provider Huawei Technologies Co. set up a Taiwanese branch office through its Hong Kong subsidiary.
In recent days Shih Ming-te has lashed out at the DPP, saying it was worse than the CCP. This morning the pro-Green Liberty Times reported that he had said that the Chen Shui-bian government has less legitimacy than the Chiang Kai-Shek regime had. He is also involved in a spat with several of his former comrades over whether he had visited prostitutes, and has criticized Reverend Kao, who sheltered him during the days when he was on the run from the government after it smashed the 1979 Human Rights Day protest. The pro-Blue UDN reported today that the pro-Blue China Times had warned Shih that it would better if he kept his mouth shut. Nice thought, that.There's nothing unusual in this behavior.
c. Formosa tests (conducted by the Sixth Military Laboratory with the Narashino Army School)Phosgene papayas, anyone?
Tropical tests were first carried out near Kato Airfield, Formosa, in about 1930, and again in the summer of 1941. Included were tests on mustard shell, bombs, and spray, phosgene shell, tear gas spray, and self projecting toxic smoke candles.
Colonel Saiki, of the Sixth Military Laboratory, described one unsuccessful mustard gas spray test (see ATIG 127), but no significant results were included.
The ROC government has reaffirmed its sovereignty over four island groups in the South China Sea following recent international disputes in the region, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Note that while analysts in the west often argue that Taiwan should be sold to China (and recall that many of these analysts have businesses in China), none to my knowledge has ever argued that the ROC government should drop its bizarre claims to the Senkakus and to the Spratlys and other islands in the increasingly touchy South China Sea. Wouldn't it be more logical to ask the government of Taiwan to drop these minor claims and see what effect that has before handing 23 million citizens of a democratic island over to a government that imprisons people for saying the milk is toxic?
“The ROC has unquestionable sovereignty over the Dongsha, Nansha, Xisha and Zhongsha islands and their surrounding waters, from the perspectives of history, geography and international law,” MOFA said in an April 17 statement.
The ROC cannot accept any counterclaim to sovereignty over, or occupation of, these areas, the ministry added.
MOFA’s comments follow last month’s clash between a Philippine oil-exploration vessel and two mainland Chinese patrol boats in the South China Sea.
The most effective way for Tsai to deal with the controversy should have been to give a swift and unmistakably clear denial of all the rumors. Tsai's angry refusal to respond for whatever reasons as well as widespread questioning of Shih's motive will only lead to more damaging speculations about her.Fang's commentary is rather weird in its tone and wording, as if Fang is trying to be ironic and failing miserably, but it does point out that speculation about her sexuality may hurt her in Taiwan's political culture. Contrary to Fang, Tsai's response, taking the high road, I thought was the right one for both her and for the island's political culture. Had Tsai utterly denied the rumors, it would confirmed that this kind of attack on someone's sexuality is both effective and legit. Instead, her response delegitimized this type of attack itself, pointing towards the day when it will be unacceptable to publicly hack on the sexuality of prominent individals in Taiwan.
Remember the rumors constantly swirling that President Ma is gay (Johnny Neihu had a field day with them)? Chuang was making a coded attack on Ma's sexuality. Same crap Shih Ming-teh pulled this week.Chuang also branded KMT presidential hopeful Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) a "sissy," saying he was befuddled by Ma's popularity among female voters. Earlier this week, Chuang accused Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) of imposing "blue terror" when the city tried to stop the construction work from proceeding.
When asked if the ministry approved of Chuang's conduct over the last few days, Tu said Chuang is "a model public servant worthy of emulation by all government workers."
Following the letter’s publication, some Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers, including Chiu Yi (邱毅), appeared on TV talk shows on Monday night and questioned whether the signatories were fully aware of the content of the letter.The KMT plan is make it appear as though the letter is a nefarious plot of the DPP. But I am familiar with its history and can assure readers it was written in English and sent around to each of the signatories in that language. Not that you guys believe John Chiang anyway.
Bruce Linghu (令狐榮達), head of the ministry’s Department of North American Affairs, said yesterday the ministry would contact each of the signatories to check if they initiated the petition themselves or just added their names to it, what their concerns were and what exactly they knew about the matter.
“We heard that Bellocchi seldom goes out nowadays and it is not so often that people have a chance to talk to him. It seems he has not been well recently. We are checking this out,” Linghu said.
Linghu said the ministry would make it clear to the signatories that the government’s decision to turn over the missing documents’ case to the Control Yuan for investigation was made based on the law and would ask them to respect Taiwan’s legal system.
KMT Legislator John Chiang (蔣孝嚴) yesterday asked Hou to give him a copy of the original letter along with other open letters addressed to Ma by Bellocchi and others in recent years.
Chiang said he doubted the original letter was written in English, as the ministry has said.
“It’s a reasonable assumption that the letter was originally written in Chinese. [Bellocchi] had a written Chinese version in place and had others put their names on it. Their position has been clear, which is to attack the Ma Ying-jeou administration, accusing it of taking democracy a step backward, abusing political power and harboring political motives,” Chiang said.