I'm heartily sick of hearing about other people's sex lives. I don't care what other people do with their genitals if everyone is consenting. It would be great if the media focused on the urgent problems that the island faces. If it wishes to concern itself with prostitution, perhaps it could do some good work on human trafficking. At least the Taipei Times story had a paragraph from the head of the sex workers association calling for legalization of the sex trade.
The story is apparently some kind of smear job, for despite photos of Chen's vehicle, there is no evidence that Chen was in the car, and he says he was visiting people for the election. Chen is, let us recall, running for election in Kaohsiung.
The Miaoli land grab is also the focus of swirling rumors. Miaoli County Chief Liu Chen-hong and Premier Wu yesterday promised that the abused farmers would be given land elsewhere -- the soil of their own farms allegedly had been removed and replaced with useless crap soil, a very dirty trick, I've heard. Then someone called The Talking Show and said the new land was a cemetary. Apt, if true. maddog pointed out to me that one of the farmers was permitted to build a house even though the land had been expropriated. If it wasn't his land how did he get permission to build? "What about that and the other houses? I didn't hear any offer to replace those," maddog commented.
Another rumor floating around is that the land expropriated from the farmers is going to Chinese investors. County Chief Liu has been to China a couple of times, like many KMT politicians, so it wouldn't be surprising if such a rumor arose.
maddog flipped me a Liberty Times story that one of Liu's relatives has one of the few houses inside the new Miaoli HSR station special district that wasn't knocked down for construction of the station. Apparently he complained about the noise levels of the construction. There are several other stories of similar favors floating around. Liu's brother recently lost a court case involving a road expansion that County Chief Liu was involved in (Chinese, Chinese).
Rumors fly....
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"The story is apparently some kind of smear job, for despite photos of Chen's vehicle, there is no evidence that Chen was in the car, and he says he was visiting people for the election. Chen is, let us recall, running for election in Kaohsiung."
First let me said please at least dis-criminalize prostitution. Unenforceable laws are just stupid. However, I think you speak too soon here. Just wait for a few days Michael.
It is so funny the double standard. The Chen family is always being persecuted for what everyone else does.
Arty, true or not, the story is a smear job. It doesnt matter one whit whether Chen visited a prostitute.
Although I agree with you on the "just wait a few days." No doubt a different story will emerge, as it always does.
Frankly, I just don't give a rat's bootie about how Little Chen finds sexual release.
What bugs me about this case is the media attention that is being given to it. Even if he is paying for sex, and that is a big "if", why does this topic deserve more media coverage than the countless stories of vote buying, bribery and corruption by local KMT politicians that make footnotes in papers almost daily? Vote buying and bribery are far more serious because they affect other people.
Definitely a smear.
Government and corporate-controlled media have no qualms maintaining character assassination as part of its regular news reporting (the US has Fox for that).
After all, they've got to keep those uppity Chens in their place, eh?
I have no doubt it was a smear job, but the culprit is more likely one of Chen's political rivals in KHH.
I wonder which room of the love hotel he was in. What it the "Jurrassic Park" themed room? The "Moulin Rouge" Room? The Wang Chien-ming/Yankee paraphenalia suite? The Audrey Hepburn room?
Nothing says class coming from Taiwan's first family you love to hate more than a trip to the G Motel in Next magazine. I saw that the chick had a bad spider tat on her neck too. Awesome!
Now where is Ol' Sexual Chocolate the radio DJ when you need him? Is he back in town?
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