Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daily Links, Mar 14

The United States of Creationism.

While I am working to have the phrase Enter the letters as they are shown in the image banned, you can read these great blog posts:

  • As I did with Spain and Italy, Jerome Keating points to still more examples of how a nation coming to grips with its past replaces authoritarian monuments with symbols of hope, freedom, and remembrance. What Taiwan is doing perfectly normal.

  • Orz Orz Orz That's Impossible! has been putting up one informative post after another. Orz Orz Orz. Read this speculation on Wang and his hopes for a Presidential run. And this round up post on the political news. And this useful map of the election districts.Orz Orz Orz fnord

  • The Foreigner is back and posting on the apologetics for Chiang Kai-shek. Welcome back!

  • Taiwan Airpower gives the list of ROC navy port calls in Taiwan this year.

  • Wulingren has a long and informative post on the Nazi phenomenon in Taiwan.

  • 1 comment:

    DANIELBLOOM said...


    Your chart of the world in 2050 is funny, good find! Here is my take on a blog on the world in the year
    2500, or maybe, okay 3000. Read it on a rainy day, and not when you are happy. It's a rather depressing missive, but you should read it once: