Here's a non-poisonous whip scorpion.....
A snail I spotted on our patio....
Fried honeybees. Yum.
A bee, one of the first photos with my new camera.
My daughter models a grasshopper.
This tiny wolf spider was crouching in a join created by two metal bars on our door. You can get an idea of its size from the sand grains on the right, pooled in the crevices there. I love the level of detail in this shot.
Bees hard at work on a campus flower.
Here's that beetle again.
I caught this flower, and got the beetle,which I hadn't noticed, as a bonus.
A beetle scuttles from the path....
On the same hike, I spotted these guys on flowers. I have no idea what they are.
The mushroom farm we went to visit a while ago also raised these babies as a side income.
This little spider hung out on an early morning leaf.
I took these two leaf-eaters on a hike along the east coast.
Ok, so lizards aren't bugs. But they are critters...
I love the color and detail in this shot.
Great photos. I have a new macro lens and just got in from a bug shooting session in my neighborhood. I didn't find as many interesting ones, but Taiwan sure has some great opportunities. I'll have to keep hunting.
I love the wolf spider shot.
if it makes me a techno geek, so be it, but I wouldn't mind seeing exposure/equipment information on your bugs.
It's all automatic! So i can't give you any info on the exposure.
Exposure and equipment info is stored in the jpg/tiff/raw file generated by the camera. You can look at the info by selecting the image file in Finder (Macintosh) and pressing 'info' then 'more info'. Not sure about Windows (maybe right click in Explorer to find some option for info or properties). I think you can do it in Photoshop too.
Yup. Thanks, man! I never knew. ACDSee has the same power to reveal that. The data is kept even if I process the pic, so you can download the pic and then look at the properties in any good photo program.
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