Daily Links:
- Taiwan's Identity Crisis at NewsChina. Fundamentally just doesn't get it, substantially misrepresents KMT actions. *sigh* Not much point in opening a news site if you are just going to repeat what the mainstream/Chinese media say.
- Thinking Taiwan: Brian Hoie looks at the future of the Sunflower Movement
- A Taiwan executive's nightmare in Vietnam during the riots. The narrative that the Vietnamese couldn't tell the difference between Chinese and Taiwanese factories obscures the labor-related aspects of the attack on Taiwan factories.
- Winkler Partners explain the new rules on residency.
- Student protesters form new group to tackle Taiwan's hyper-strict referendum rules.
- Taiwan approves high taxes on a few high incomes, but not on their wealth. Hence, this is just an exercise in PR.
- EVENT: Compass Food and Music Festival: May 24 at 1:00pm to May 25 at 9:00pm
美術館綠園道 (五權5街/五權西3街) Art Museum Parkway (WuQuan 5th & WuQuan W 3rd St) - NOT TAIWAN: The Met puts 400,000 hi-res images online, lets you use them for free.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
"A Taiwan executive's nightmare in Vietnam during the riots."
from the linked article
DDK has more than 600 employees in Vietnam. Most of the senior positions are filled by Taiwanese and mainland Chinese nationals. The company has 13 mainland Chinese managers in Vietnam, including the manager of plant No. 1.
13 mainland Chinese managers in Vietnam, including the manager of plant No. 1.
Why does a Taiwanese company have so many Chinese managers? Is it so hard to find Taiwanese managers or is the company owned by Chinese?
Might be because few Taiwanese want to live and work in Vietnam.
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