Gloria Kuang-Jung Hsu is Professor at National Taiwan University. Major academic interests are Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollution. Hsu received B.S. degree in Chemistry from National Taiwan University, and Ph. D in Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, USA. After graduation, Hsu worked at the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA. Hsu joined the faculty of Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, Associate Professor. Ms. Gloria Kuang-Jung Hsu Began as an academic consultant to environmental groups in the early 90s on the possible transport of pollutants from nuclear power plant. She served as a science advisor, Chair of the Coordinator of Academic Committee, and Vice Chair of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Union. Her involvements over the years include anti-nuclear movement, climate change, air pollution, and waste management. She received Master in Public Administration from Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University at 2003. She sincerely hopes to make more contributions in energy and environmental policy analysis in the near future.
Also, TPAWS needs volunteers, writing:
Due to the preparations for our new Education Centre at Honey's Friends Pet Palace, we have some new volunteer opportunities available. Please take a look and see if you would like to help us out with anything from the list and feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would like to be involved._______________________
The TPAWS Education Centre needs volunteers to help with:
* gardening
* painting
* organising store room
* finding and collecting donations in kind ( books, puzzles, crafts, games, educational materials, bookshelves, sofas, rugs, mats, cushions, tables, lamps, storage units..any kind of comfy seating or tables and chairs to write on for adults and children
* the "think tank" for Education Centre activities and material
* fundraising
* volunteers needed for our monthly shelter visit https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196697613696880
* vet clinic visits ( dog walking )
* foster families needed for:
Chino https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150131134248408&set=a.127586048407.129961.555148407&theater
Buddy https://www.facebook.com/notes/caroline-tugwell/meet-buddy/10150108852250794
* adoption park runs ( take dogs to People's Park near Nova on Sundays 1 - 5 pm )
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1 comment:
I wish I were in Taiwan right now. I'd love to volunteer my time.
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