Sunday, July 31, 2005

The mainlander parties are determined to prevent the island from functioning properly, and another excellent example of their anti-social attitude was reported in the Taipei Times today. Apparently petitions from the public are piling up in the Control Yuan:

More than 9,000 petitions are sitting in the offices of the Control Yuan, the nation's highest watchdog body, which has not functioned since Feb. 1 because opposition legislators have refused to endorse President Chen Shui-bian's (陳水扁) nominees for Control Yuan members.


Chen first submitted the names of nominees in January for the previous legislature's approval, but opposition legislators refused to approve them, maintaining that most of them were not up to public expectations. The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the People First Party, which as an alliance retained a majority in the new legislature, asked Chen to submit a new list of nominees on the grounds that his original list for the previous legislature was invalid.

Chen then resubmitted the same list, which opposition legislators are refusing to approve.

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