Tuesday, July 05, 2005

China Post Reports: TOIEC Scores too low for local business

The China Post reports that Taiwan college students do not have the level of English skills local businesses require.

Taiwan college students scored an average of 397 on their Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) exams, lower than the 502 minimum required by most companies on the island, according to a survey released yesterday.

The poll, jointly conducted by National Chengchi University (NCCU) and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology on 720 sophomores and seniors from three public and private universities, found that on average, students of applied English scored 492.39 on their TOEICs, higher than the 397.01 for students of non-applied English.


Business school students from public universities scored an average of 700 on their TOEICs, significantly higher than the average scored by their peers at private universities, the survey found.



Anonymous said...

Clyde Said:

Meaningless. The sample frame of just a few schools far too small. It would have been better to draw a random sample across many more schools in order to make general statements about the effects of a specific major. However, my own experience is that business department students have always surpased AFL students in language ability when looking at the outstanding students. Thus, for the TOIEC exam, I suspect only those business students who are skilled in English take it, while in general higher percentages of AFL students test, pulling down their averages.

Michael Turton said...

Yeah, I agree with all these comments.

Ryan said...

It's too bad Scott Austin has left Taiwan. I'm sure he would have had something insightful to say about this.