
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August Hiatus Time

Some of this would be nice...

Well, I am crash-dieting on beer and fatty pork this weekend, to experience the restorative powers of the food of the gods. So I won't be blogging until Monday the 22nd. Enjoy a few links to tide you over...
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  1. I wonder if Taiwan is able to implement this approach to combat aggression from China.

    With KMT still has influence in Taiwan, the chance is very small.

  2. Yuck, all those graffiti popping up to vandalize private properties and our cityscape. 90% of those are ugly, drab, uncreative, imitative, repetitive, and egoistic tags. I hope those "street artists" won't turn their attention to our natural scenes. What they did to those waterfalls in the States is unforgivable. One of the reasons why we need death penalty to stay.


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