
Wednesday, February 03, 2016

1985 Diane Sawyer on the Henry Liu killing

This segment discusses the killing of a writer and critic of the Nationalist regime on Taiwan in California in 1984. The incident affected US relations with the KMT, and helped inspire the recent movie Formosa Betrayed. h/t to KL.
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  1. Too bad Henry Liu, like most other people under investigation by the MIB at the time, was a mainlander. This story would be much better if he had been pre-49 Taiwanese educated in Japan who lost relatives in 228 but you can't win them all.

  2. For those interested in a well-researched account of the Henry Liu murder, David Kaplan's "Fires of the Dragon: Politics, Murder, and the Kuomintang" (published by Atheneum in 1992) is worth seeking out.

  3. Too bad Diane Sawyer keeps saying Henry Liu was from China/Chinese descendat, when he was form Taiwan/Taiwanese...


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