
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hitler Engineering

Hitler Engineering in Tainan, Taiwan
After his retirement as leader of Germany, Hitler opened this small engineering firm in Tainan.
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  1. Funny! And to think I've met so many Taiwanese who think he died in a shootout in a burning movie theater.

  2. I saw a store in my town selling nice throw pillows for your couch with swastikas on them. They'd really tie your living room together.

  3. Maybe they will rename the Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall, The Arbeit Macht Frei Funland?
    Kitsch really abounds here, doesn't it?

  4. Are you sure the swastikas are Nazi and not Buddhist/Hindu (the ancient wan symbol that represents peace)?

  5. Still not as retarded as the idiots in this photo that was in today's Taipei Times.

  6. Don't bad mouth Hitler, he was a great friend and supporter of Japan.

  7. The term they used, 希特樂, does have significant meaning by their own:

    希 = hope for
    特 = very much
    樂 = happiness

    which makes : Hope for ultimate happiness.

    It is actually quite creative.

    The usual translation of Hitler is 希特勒. Same pronunciation.

  8. On an unrelated note, check out the great job they are doing at the Taiwan Tourism Bureau!

  9. @Anon 12.02

    Well the grammar isn't the best but I hardly think they're idiots. At least they show some pride in Taiwan.

  10. In Hsinchu, along the Jinguan scenic area, in one of the little roads off Jinguan Boulevard, there was an outdoor cafe called Bin Laden Cafe.

  11. "At least they show some pride in Taiwan."


    They are showing pride in the ROC. In their mind Taiwan is only a province of the ROC and not a country. Wake up. This is the nonsense the KMTards are promoting.

  12. Wrong!

    They are showing pride in the ROC. In their mind Taiwan is only a province of the ROC and not a country. Wake up. This is the nonsense the KMTards are promoting

    Since 1949, Taiwan and the ROC have been the same thing.

    I wonder if you can produce a link to a current and accurate map that shows the ROC to be existent anywhere other than Taiwan. That's the only way your statement could be true, if the ROC also exists elsewhere.

  13. I don't know how the ROC is on your planet, but on mine it owns Kinmen and Matsu, which are not part of Taiwan and never have been.

    The ROC is a government in exile on Taiwan and cannot become its legal sovereign power. The only place the ROC exerts sovereignty is over the Chinese islands off the coast it controls.


  14. Anon, the KMT policy is that there is only 1 China, The ROC. This includes Taiwan, the mainland provinces, Tibet, Mongolia, HK, Hainan, Matsu, Kinmen, etc. The ROC is not specific to just Taiwan. Get it?

    In the real world, China is not the ROC, it is the PRC and is run by the CCP. This obviously means the very foundation of the KMT's R.O.C. policy is a joke.

    Anyone that says they are R.O.Cers are idiotic morons. If you still need a link, go to

  15. I don't know how the ROC is on your planet, but on mine it owns Kinmen and Matsu, which are not part of Taiwan and never have been.

    But the thing is, they are. I can get on a plane at Songshan airport and fly to either Kinmen or Matsu with need for passport or visa. It is a simple domestic flight from Taipei ie it's the same country.

    In the real world, China is not the ROC, it is the PRC and is run by the CCP.

    No, it's not. China is not the ROC. Taiwan is. Therefore someone proud to be an ROCer is someone proud to be Taiwanese. It can have no other meaning.

  16. Anon, you keep missing the key point, that is the KMT thinks the R.O.C. is China and that Taiwan is only part of the R.O.C. Taiwan (island) is not a country to them.

    When you say I am a R.O.Cer, what you are saying is that you are proud to be from China, not proud to be from Taiwan.

    So the question is do you believe that the R.O.C. government is the legal entity that should control all of China?

    If so, continue voting for the KMT. If not, please have your leaders put into a mental hospital asap before they do any more damage.

  17. China is not the ROC. Taiwan is.

    Taiwan is NOT the R.O.C.
    It is only PART OF the R.O.C.

    This is the truth the KMT likes to hide around election time.

  18. Taiwan is NOT the R.O.C.
    It is only PART OF the R.O.C.

    As I said above, please show me on a map where other than Taiwan (and a few small islands) the ROC exists. Answer, nowhere. The ROC in 2011 and for the past few decades has only existed in Taiwan. There is nothing larger for Taiwan to be part of.

    Anon, you keep missing the key point, that is the KMT thinks the R.O.C. is China and that Taiwan is only part of the R.O.C. Taiwan (island) is not a country to them.

    No, it's not missing the point at all. I freely grant you that there probably are a few old relics in the KMT who believe that but they're mostly old civil war era soldiers in their 80s and 90s. No one else believes that, so why harp on about it? There are a bunch of people in the pan-green parties who believe Taiwan belongs to America but no one gives them any credence. It's the same thing.

    The fact remains that in 2011, the ROC and Taiwan are one and the same thing, and nothing you say can change that fact. Keep pushing the point and people will just think you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

  19. Anon, here's a map for you.
    Check the constitution.
    Now, the ROC doesn't control most of that area, and that's where you get to the question of "which is the ROC?" what it controls or it's constitution?

  20. @Robert R - That map is incorrect in 2011 and has been since 1949.

    Of course the ROC is what it controls. What else could it be? The PRC claims Taiwan but no one (well other than the 10% of old generals) believes that Taiwan is part of PRC.

    The constitution can't be changed. If it could, it would have been by now. But try to change it and watch those mainland missiles start to fly across the strait.

    Sometimes I get the feeling that the pan-greens want a conflict just to prove themselves right. Sheesh, it's just like the Republicans approach to the US debt now - who cares about the country as long as we can make the administration look bad.


  21. Anon, read your party's platform (KMT) then come back and discuss this issue. I already provided the link.


  22. Anon, read your party's platform (KMT) then come back and discuss this issue. I already provided the link.

    Nice try but you're out of luck. I don't support either party.

  23. Even if you are not a KMT supporter, you need to understand their position or else you will always be proven wrong. I will even help you. This is directly from website:

    "The KMT insists that there is only one China under the Constitution of the Republic of China. According to our Constitution, both the Mainland and Taiwan belong to the Republic of China."

    case closed.

  24. Case not closed because it doesn't match reality. The reality is today that Taiwan is synonymous with ROC. Why is that so hard to understand? The ROC doesn't exist anywhere else, regardless of what little fantasy world people wish to belong to. And as I said earlier, other than a few senile old generals, the majority of the KMT don't believe they own China either. Changing their constitution would be considered a provocative act that would raise tensions in the region which is in no one's interest, certainly not Taiwan's.

    Look at the reality of the situation as it is today on the ground in Taiwan. There is no ROC in mainland China, it only exists in Taiwan. That is the reality.

  25. Anon, you are arguing over something you can't win. The ROC officially is Taiwan + China.

    Is this bullshit? Of course.

    The problem is the KMT's very existence centers on this lie. They will never admit to reality because many in the KMT do not want to be classified as Taiwanese. And its not just the old farts, even younger 2nd and 3rd generation offspring feel this way. Being "Taiwanese" from a KMT's perspective is looked down upon.

    Just look at the reaction from the DPP's "I am a Taiwanese" campaign. Instead of saying, yeah that's cool, we are from Taiwan and therefore Taiwanese, they had to come up with the idiotic "I am a ROCer". Why? Because they can't accept the reality that Taiwan alone is a country.


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