
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday Links

Enjoy a few links...
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  1. Hi Michael,

    Thought I'd share this article. It's nice to see something written without a China-centric view.

    A new Taiwan dreams of transitional justice - The Japan Times

    You can dissect it much better than I can though.

  2. Sharp indicates that the US would intervene should Taiwan find itself in a siege situation at the hands of China. Do you think this assumption is a safe one? I don't.

  3. Yes, very safe, and getting safer...

  4. Frankly, as a big fan of SEA in general (if not its political chicanery), I think the Tsai administration should take a real serious look at the Southbound Policy, especially as a means to Taiwan's survival. It can't all be just a bunch of posturing by threatening to leave China's orbit.

    Like making Itu Aba the center of Pinoy Drumpfenfuhrer's "Make Philippines Great Again" anti-drug campaign. That oughta do it.

  5. Interesting article about graffiti in Taiwan.


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