
Saturday, September 05, 2015

Some charts....

This bottom chart shows Taiwanese businesses in China. The red line represents firms with positive growth. The blue represents firms with negative growth. The study from which this is drawn is, alas, no longer on the internet.
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  1. Turton Wrote:

    "This bottom chart shows Taiwanese businesses in China. The red line represents firms with positive growth. The blue represents firms with negative growth. The study from which this is drawn is, alas, no longer on the internet."

    The chart source is TEEMA (電電公會,

    Well, TEEMA members came out in swarm in January 2012 to very publicly (several press conferences) support Ma/KMT in the 2012 presidential/legislative election.

    Now, it's clear that they have been harvesting what they sowed then; namely, steeply decreasing business with and in China; the opposite of what they had hoped for.

    Note their own chart exactly marks January 2012 as the turning point. Irony and Karma!


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