
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

KMT: Wang on hold as Ma objects

Puli in the morning.

Solidarity evidently had a slow day at the office, for he translated a bunch of stuff today. One piece explained why Speaker of the Legislature Wang Jin-pyng did not announce his bid for the KMT candidacy today as expected last week:
The KMT’s presidential nomination registration period is nearing the end, and legislative speaker Wang Jin-pyng’s 王金平 intention to declare his candidacy is clear, but the “iron blues” are fighting back in a big way, forcing Wang to delay his plans again and again. He’s been forced to scrap his original plans to go to the KMT headquarters to register his campaign today [5/13] at 8 a.m., which is an extremely auspicious time from an astrological standpoint, as the nation will at that moment be under the Emperor Star 紫薇入座.
Opposition to Wang from the Deep Blues is powerful -- they understand that theirs is an ethnic-based ruling class, and won't tolerate a non-member of that club, even as a front man. Nor do they trust Taiwanese either. Somewhere in Wang's heart there has to be powerful feelings from listening to the abuse of locals that circulates in mainlander circles and occasionally leaks out in public, and also, deep anger at his treatment at Ma's hands. Now it is Ma who is blocking his attempt to become a primary candidate.

Wang's support comes from the Taiwanese KMT, especially in the south. The faction networks, nourished on fisheries and agricultural cooperative monies, support him. As Solidarity notes, Chu could bring the party together to support Wang, but it would likely cost him the Deep Blues.

I think somewhere in the background Hau Lung-bin, the former Taipei mayor and now heavily involved in the running of the KMT, is going to play broker/kingmaker. He's a Deep Blue son of a far right Chinese nationalist father. He might be able to bring over some Deep Blues, if he comes out strong in support of Wang. He must also be nursing presidential ambitions under there somewhere. Although Chu's experience at the highest levels must be a salutary lesson for him...

Meanwhile Hung Hsiu-chu, who has been Chu's stalking horse, finally conceded today that KMT nomination rules don't allow the Party to draft Chu against his will. This reads like a concession that Chu isn't going to be the candidate.
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  1. "... Ben Goren just became the first foreigner to earn an airplane pilot's license in Taiwan."

    That's pretty cool, but there is no mention of it on his blog that you link to.

  2. I was wondering why Hau Lung-bin wasn't trying for the presidential nomination himself.

  3. Prior to World War II, the Czechoslovak people had an expression - "o nas, bez nas," - "about us, without us" - to complain about how Czechoslovakia was divided up by other powers without consulting the Czechoslovaks.

    Same applies to Taiwan.

  4. You daft old knacker. I just spoke to Ben - apparently it was only the student license he got. That's why he didn't post anything; he's still got a long way to go yet before he gets his pilot license.

  5. Mike, your source is all at sea with its Wang "information." Wu will secure the KMT nomination ad pip Tsai at the post. There is no way in hell Beijing is going to let the DPP derail the unification express, even if it would be just for four years.

  6. Mike, your source is all at sea with its Wang "information." Wu will secure the KMT nomination ad pip Tsai at the post. There is no way in hell Beijing is going to let the DPP derail the unification express, even if it would be just for four years.

    Wu pips Tsai at the post? If they can stuff ballots, maybe, but probably not even then.



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