
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Slaughter: An excerpt

Below is an excerpt from Ethan Gutmann's The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem. It mentions Ko Wen-je, who is now a candidate for mayor of Taipei. I couldn't find an image in my Flickr account for this post, so I have left it bare. It was originally posted to Facebook. I have reproduced it in full except for the photo of the page from Gutmann's book.

童文薰 added 3 new photos.
第258,259,260頁 (pages 258-260

Less explicit versions of Dr. Ko’s testimony have surfaced; Dr. Francis Navarro, director of transplantation in France’s Montpelier Hospital was invited to demonstrate his liver transplantation technique at Chengdu University in 2006. The Chinese organizers hospitably informed Navarro that they would have a liver ready for him on the day of arrival. If this was a sign that they were killing to order, Navarro’s suspicions were confirmed by the director of a military hospital who mentioned that he was hurrying to finish his executions before the Chinese New Year. Navarro duly reported on these incidents, but the French government has shown scant interest in curbing or restricting French organ tourism to China.
比柯醫生的證詞較不明確的版本浮出水面。弗朗西斯.納瓦羅醫生,法國蒙彼利埃醫院移植主任在2006年應邀前往成都理工大學展示他的的肝移植技術。中國主辦方盛情通知納瓦羅醫生,在他抵達的當天他們準備好一個肝臟。如果這是他們按訂單殺人的訊號,那麼納瓦羅的懷疑,在一家軍隊醫院主任表示他急匆匆地趕在中國春節前完成處決案時,得到了證實。納瓦羅向法國政府正式報告了這些事件,但法國政府卻明示他們對於遏制或限制法國人前往中國進行器官移植旅遊的行為,缺乏興趣。(click read more to continue)

Dr. Franz Immer, chairman of the Swiss National Foundation for organ donation and transplantation, also went on the record with a similar story: “During my visit in Beijing in 2007, a hospital invited us to watch a heart transplantation operation. The organizer asked us whether we would like to have the transplantation operation in the morning or in the afternoon. This means that the donor would die, or be killed , at a given time, at the convenience of the visitors. I refused to participate. ”

Dr. Jacob Lavee is a cardiac surgeon and director of the heart transplantation unit at the Sheba medical Center in Israel. In 2005, a patient with a severe heart condition reported that his medical insurance corporation, essentially a health maintenance organization (HMO), had identified a transplant opportunity in China two weeks hence. Not only was the insurance corporation going to pay for it, to Lavee’s surprise they had identified a specific date for the heart transplant—which clearly ruled out an accident victim. Lavee has hear of Israelis going to get kidneys in China for several years, but he had assumed that it was much like the conditions in India—Some poor person, down on their luck, selling one of their kidneys to make some money. Yet this was prescheduled murder. After researching the work of Kilgour and Matas, Lavee went on the become a leading figure in Doctors against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFHO), and in spearheading a quiet revolution in the Israeli organ-transplantation laws.

The experiences of Doctors Lavee, Immer, and Navarro confirmed an acknowledged fact—Chinese prisoners are harvested for their organs, and they are executed to order. Yet in all three cases the personal element, the tangible rediscovery of a medical culture where anything was possible, led them to believe in the far more controversial and disturbing premise that prisoners of conscience are being harvested as well, and that led to varying degrees of personal activism. Dr. Ko did not go through this process. He fought for his patients, and following his winning touchdown the truth was dumped over his head like a bucket of cold Gatorade.

To understand Dr. Ko’s minor collapse during our interview, a word about Taiwan may be germane. The Taiwanese and Chinese speak the same language and employ similar bargaining strategies, but crucially, Taiwan is a free society—and when it comes to Falun Gong, Taiwan and China might as well be orbiting around opposite sides of the sun. Yes, in recent years the Taiwanese police have tended to keep Falun Gong protesters at arm’s length from mainland tourist groups (seen as a valuable revenue source), and like everything else in the cross-straits relationship, politicians dance carefully around certain mainland tripwires. But a few days before I spoke with Dr. Ko, I followed a small band of Falun Gong aunties through security into a Taipei prison and observed them teach the exercises to hundreds of convicts—durg addicts, gangbangers, and possibly even a few hit men, judging by their tattoos. A smiling prison guard even mentioned to me his enthusiastic support for Falun Gong as a form of penal rehabilitation. The next day I watched a dozen of the Taipei central district’s finest, including the district police captain, gather at the end of the day, not to shoot pool and have a beer at their local , but to perform Falun Gong exercises-from the party perspective, a case of inmates taking over the asylum. There are estimated to be forty thousand people in Taiwan who identify themselves in some form as Falun Gong, and most Taiwanese clearly think of them as members of a legitimate religious entity rather than a cult.

As I write this in mid-January 2014, Dr. Ko Wen-je has apparently become a very important figure in Taiwanese politics. In fact, when this book is published Dr. Ko may or may not be presiding as mayor of the city of Taipei.

Because Dr. Ko’s experiences and actions can be exploited by his political opponents, I would like to add a personal observation. Dr. Ko faced a genuinely vexing moral dilemma. His patients would die without the transplants he had arranged, and there was little to be gained by informing his patients of the source of the organs. So although Ko can claim no overt political activism, his attempt to change the system from within through a standardized medical form had at least a whisper of a chance, and it was more than all the world’s health organizations and doctors associations and transplant conventions can claim to have done. At the end of the day, Dr. Ko’s willingness to speak candidly is evidence of a singular courage. His account is the smoking gun. It represents the culmination of a long quest to find medical confirmation of China’s harvesting of prisoners of conscience from an unimpeachable source.
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  1. Wow. Thank you. I knew, you knew -- and Ko and every doctor in authority in Taiwan, on some level, knew.

    Maybe Ko will somehow have a persuasive rebuttal. Maybe…

    Politics is the art of compromise. And managing/directing programs in a hospital is pure politics.

    And state murder is murder. And murder for profit is, by definition, psychopathic.

    And Sean Lien still doesn't look good in comparison.

    The KMT wasn't going to get anything to stick. Did they consider this angle, too, and pass on it because they feared it would cost them as much or more than it cost Ko?

    May any loss to Taiwan be the world's and humanity's gain.

  2. If any Taiwanese would have the back-door opportunity to make money from China's cruel organ trade, who would this person be, other than, the Lien's?

    If Sean Lien would be stupid enough to try to demonize Ko with this issue, it will back fire to himself.

    (Un)fortunately, his conjugation of stupidity and entitlement obviously is making him doing just that. Haha

  3. I think the important fact is that he wouldn't be part of any cover-up in this case.

  4. Today's Apple Daily has an article entitled:

    美作家稱未寫柯當器官掮客 柯斥誇大喊告《大屠殺》將改內容美作家稱未寫柯當器官掮客柯斥誇大喊告《大屠殺》將改內容

    Similar articles can also be found in Liberty Times and United Daily News:

  5. ".. He fought for his patients, and following his winning touchdown the truth was dumped over his head like a bucket of cold Gatorade."

    What am I missing? Perhaps not reading this blog often enough? Can someone please clarify what this refers to?


  6. It's a half-decent Halloween story - the Chinese State as vampire/zombie etc. But the Chinese are not quite alone.

    Back in 2008 the UK government first considered plans for harvesting organs on grounds of "presumed consent"; that is, anyone who had not signed the opt-out forms could have their organs harvested once deceased. It was rejected for the entire UK at the time on the grounds of Muslim "sensitivities", but it will actually be introduced in Wales next year.

    It is not equivalent to what the PRC does (killing prisoners on demand), but it does presuppose the same collectivist premise that you are owned by the State and that your body is not your own.

  7. Ko has come out and contradicted Gutmann's claim. Seems Gutmann has agreed to retract his claim:

  8. The anonymous commenter above misrepresented the nature of the response by Gutmann, who did not retract his claims in the book at all. In fact the legal letter stands by the original claim and attributes the hullabaloo to an over-excitable, and not quite responsible, Taiwanese media environment. (Indeed, not news to anyone who follows contemporary Chinese affairs.) The final response by Gutmann can be found on his own website, where he produces the proof that Dr. Ko signed off on Gutmann's account of their interview: Nuff said I suppose.


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