
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pure Entertainment: the Taipei Mayor's Race

O the pain, the comedy is too much. Lien Sheng-wen (Sean Lien), son of Honorary KMT Chairman for Life Lien Chan, and KMT mayor candidate in Taipei, has put out this wonderful commercial above, asking people to tell what they would do if they had his kind of money. I think the idea is to show what a noble, self-sacrificing lad is our hero Sean Lien, running for mayor of Taipei when he could be out having a good time... Hey, I've got an idea -- let's remind everyone that I am totally rich and have never worked a day in my life. A completely empty ad, it says nothing about what Sean Lien can do for Taipei.

More interesting than the ad's amusing premise is its choice of presenters -- all young people and notice that all are brightly white-skinned and freckle free. No dark skinned people in KMT Taiwan. Its construction of "Taiwanese" is quite stereotypical. I wish someone out there would point that out.

Meanwhile Ko Wen-je, the non-KMT candidate, has been sticking his foot in his mouth with relentless regularity. This week it was totally sexist remarks about a female candidate down south. Needless, stupid remarks. Ko's handler's need to teach him never to criticize anyone except Sean Lien, in the tradition of coaches talking about the opposing team... "Well, they have some good players, and we're going to face a tough battle. But we'll prevail." With Ko and Lien both insensitive and gaffe prone, these last seven weeks before the election will be fun.

Less amusingly, the KMT has started its inevitable attack on Ko, which I've been expecting for some time. A KMT legislator accused him of corruption, etc. This is only the tip of the spear, the attacks are going to get worse. As an administrator for many years, there's probably some receipt issues (here in the land of fake receipts) and other minor stuff that someone could blow up into a scandal.
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  1. On the Jennings piece, it seems both China and the Ma administration are coordinating in their use of South Korea as a stick to spur Taiwanese into accepting the politicized economic policies aimed at undermining Taiwan's independence.

  2. Ko's remark on Chen Yi Zhen was ill-advised but completely on the mark. She's just another KMT princeling that is being put forth for a major mayoralty in spite of having neither the experience nor credentials for such a role solely due to her background and loyalty to Ma.

    Her only administrative and political experience was serving as Youth Minister for a year and half, a vanity position that she still managed to handle poorly:

  3. On the Jennings piece, it seems both China and the Ma administration are coordinating in their use of South Korea as a stick to spur Taiwanese into accepting the politicized economic policies aimed at undermining Taiwan's independence.

    Nice insight.

    She's just another KMT princeling that is being put forth for a major mayoralty in spite of having neither the experience nor credentials for such a role solely due to her background and loyalty to Ma.

    Sure. But still.... he says shit he shouldn't be saying. He could have not made an issue of her sex, just her inexperience.


  4. I've long written off Ko Wen-Je as a pure non-sense. Besides, whoever gets elected in Taipei is what the citizens there deserve. I don't care.

    I am totally focusing on Taichung, a versatile and rich metro region that has such a huge potential to become a wonderful place to live and work.

    I don't think Lin's lead is as big as the "polls" make it out to be. My estimate of Lin's winning chance is about 51-49. It is a very tight race. That is why I am working very hard to get people that I know to get educated about Lin and what he stands for.

    For those who support Lin, please don't waste your time and energy on the non-sense in Taipei. Taichung is still a city worth rescuing and Lin is the ticket.

    So, Taichung, Taichung, please!!!

  5. Just another example of the stupidity of the KMT. They just don't get it.

    Yep, Taipei will get what it deserves, a useless puppet. Nothing will get better here except services for the PRC tourists. Perhaps Lien will open a KMT/CCP friendship park.

    Even worse, if any major event happens (earthquake, etc.), it will be managed by an incompetent doofus.

    It is really an embarrassment to Taiwan that these type of people get elected.

  6. Regarding Soryus for Taiwan, if Japan had any decency, they would give their best submarines for free to Taiwan as reparations. Germany gave Israel free and subsidized Dolphin submarines, Israel's best, because unlike Japan, Germany is now an honorable and upstanding member of the world community.

  7. I think some of the people in this video are naturally dark-skinned, but they're all made pale by the very white light they used for the ad. If Sean Lien becomes mayor we can all be white, yaaaay!

    I love the top comment on this video. "No, becoming mayor isn't like storming a's more like expropriating land, right? XD"

    They fed these actors lines, right? Normal people would say things like "buy some properties like Dibao and American stocks" or "pay for my future children's tuition and American university fees".

    And anyone who reads this nation's news, and doesn't know becoming mayor of a huge city with so many infrastructure and service contracts is another way of getting rich, shouldn't be permitted to vote.

  8. WHY is Sean Lien so rich? Because his father profited so much from being a lifelong politician! Now it's simply time for him to do the same. This commercial sets a new standard in amnesia.


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