
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Taiwan's brewing academic scandals?

Turn out the lights, the party's over for Minister of Education Chiang Wei-ling whose "I didn't know" excuses are crumbling in the widening scandal of the 60 papers retracted from a scientific journal... (TT)
Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) has ordered the Ministry of Science and Technology to look into an academic publishing scandal involving Minister of Education Chiang Wei-ling (蔣偉寧), Executive Yuan spokesperson Sun Lih-chyun (孫立群) said yesterday.

The directive came in the wake of accusations that National Pingtung University associate professor Chen Chen-yuan (陳震遠) committed academic fraud after 60 articles submitted by Chen were withdrawn from the Journal of Vibration and Control over allegations of falsified peer reviews.
The MOE had these paper's listed for Chiang on its website.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If someone were to peel back the shiny linoleum of Taiwan academia and shine a light on the rot underneath, there are a lot of people in titled positions in a lot of colleges having their names put on papers they had nothing to do with. This unethical and unconscionable practice, stealing the hard work and credit of others, is yet another example of the way Taiwan's society is organized on the mafia principle where everyone kicks up to the Big Man at the top.
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  1. I honestly don't think they'll go that deep with this. They'll be a few scalps and everything will go back to normal because the cheating, fabrication and reward system are so deep and enriching that no one really wants to know or get out the sordid truth. This is an absolute plague on the scientific community.

    Wasn't this guy caught out by a scientific integrity group then turned over to the journal in question for investigation?

  2. I like this explanation, and your final paragraph especially!

  3. is yet another example of the way Taiwan's society is organized on the mafia principle where everyone kicks up to the Big Man at the top.

    I am a born Taiwanese and lived outside the island for a number of years. I agree with your observation. But what's the cure? To me making English as a commonly spoken language is one, having more novelists, artists, movie makers exposing that sickness is another.

  4. Just read, the Education minister had handed on his resignation. The truth behind this is?

  5. Can we even believe any academic papers published by Taiwanese universities anymore?


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