
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Taiwan not wanted in Canada

Farmers inspect their pepper plants.

A Canadian news agency reported that Taiwan is not wanted by Canada at celebratory events....
According to the report, the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development circulates a persona non grata list in June each year, warning its embassies, consulates and other overseas missions to bar them from local events marking Canada Day, which is on July 1.

North Korea, Fiji, Belarus, Iran, Syria, Guinea-Bissau and Madagascar were the prominent countries on last year’s list, largely because of Canada’s disapproval of unelected or “badly behaved” governments, Canadian Press said.

Taiwan is also on the list this year, though only because Canada does not recognize the nation as a state rather than from any disapproval of its government, the news agency said.
Note that among unelected, badly behaved governments on that list, we don't find China. An acquaintance on a discussion group ranted thusly and beautifully:

Beijing owns 100% of the shares in our Prime Minister, through their Canadian holding company, Power Corporation.

The CEO of Power Corporation, is the PM’s Beijing-appointed minder.

The Chinese Communist Party leads the world in violations of human rights and in the commission of Crimes Against humanity. And CCP outright fraud committed against the Canadian government is a well documented fact. Yet the President of the Canadian Conservative Party (CCP) wrote to the Chinese Communist Party (also “CCP), on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the latter, to offer congratulations and to suggest that “our two parties should forge closer relations”, or words to that effect.

The City Council of Vancouver met with the Chinese Consul-General in Vancouver to solicit his input as a “stakeholder” in the drafting of a municipal bylaw involving the extent of limitations which should be placed on the free political expression of Canadians on the streets in front of the Chinese Consulate-General. The new bylaw was necessitated by the British Columbia Court of Appeal striking down the original bylaw because it violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. China then became a “stakeholder” in discussions involving the rights of Canadians under the Charter.

Falun Gong is barred from the annual Christmas parade in Vancouver by Rogers Cable, which has jurisdiction over the parade. Rogers is the carrier of the 9 Chinese language TV stations approved by the Canadian broadcast regulatory authority some years ago, in order to broadcast Chinese “news” directly to Canadians. All nine of these TV stations are owned by CCTV in Beijing. All programming must be specifically approved by the Central Propaganda Department of the CCP in Beijing.

Canadian citizens who are Falun Gong practitioners are routinely barred in Canada from participation in many civic activities because their participation would offend the Chinese Embassy or Consulates.

The British Columbia premier signed off in China on an agreement which would bring Chinese miners to Canada to provide the complete labour force for coal mines in the province. We were told that coal mining in China was so sophisticated and the technology so advanced that there are no Canadian miners capable of working in these mines. Some of them appear to be indirectly Chinese owned through Chinese owned companies incorporated in Canada.

As everyone is aware, CNOOC recently purchased a significant portion of the Oilsands operations in Alberta. In order for the Canadian government to its approval of this takeover of Canadian resources by a foreign power, China was required to give a number of comforting assurances concerning employment, safety, etc. I understand the Chinese company is already moving to scrap those assurances.

Perhaps this latest insult to Taiwan is somehow related to this picture?
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  1. Note that among unelected, badly behaved governments on that list, we don't find China.... SHAME ON YOU CANADA!!!!

  2. Canada = China's next territory for annexation

  3. Sounds like the British Ottawa government representative in Taipei should be barred from flying the maple leaf.

  4. The has been duped by the CCP for years. Just google "sidewinder report" to get a clue.

  5. Taiwan has very limited diplomatic resource. We need to pick the fight carefully so we do not waste what little that we have. What Canadian is doing dose not affect the big picture.

  6. sounds like Canana being poor now and needs some money from China, who sounds to be a totally well behaved (and well off^^)country

  7. .
    As a Canadian, I apologize for the conservative sell-outs in our country. I hope to goodness we can remove the cons from every square inch of this country in the next elections.

    Incidentally, PM Harper once stood up to the Chinese a few years ago which used to be one of the very few qualities I liked about the man.

    So much for that. (sigh).


  8. STOP Ma wrote:
    "Incidentally, PM Harper once stood up to the Chinese a few years ago which used to be one of the very few qualities I liked about the man.

    So much for that. (sigh)."

    Very true. Same thought here. I have been supporting the Conservative Party because I was tired of the Liberal's opaque backroom deal culture and dubious connections with banking handlers.

    Now, I don't know who to support. NDP cannot manage a government, can they? I think I'll throw my vote to garbage can next time.

    Actually, I just came back from attending Canada Day parade. But, shame on Canada, I agree!

  9. "As a Canadian, I apologize for the conservative sell-outs in our country."

    What are they your fault or something? Does it not strike you as somewhat deranged to be apologizing for something you haven't done, or for people over whom you have no control?

    And by the way, your own commies voted with the Harper government to protect the FIPA act, so if you don't like the Canadian government's cooperation with the PRC, then the conservatives are by no means your only problem.

  10. What a shame. I grew up in Canada and left just before the massive Chinese immigrant inflow. Years ago there used to be a vastly forwarded email describing how the Canadian officials backed off the Chinese request to isolate Taiwan diplomatically speaking. It's scary how much power China has had the Canadian govn by the leash, not to mention the millions of Chinese immigrants that are changing the overview and internal demographic constituents of the country.

  11. Maybe somebody could look up when the Canadian national day is, so people in Taiwan could protest it.

    Me, I would love to visit the Canadian Autonomous Zone one day. I hear the natives love to sing and dance.

  12. .
    Mike Fagan,

    You should actually read the articles you link to.

    The Liberals (who are centre-right, politically -- hardly "commies") helped to shoot down an "NDP" motion to stop FIPA. The NDP are left of centre, politically.

    Canada is still politically centre / centre-left. However, the split in the vote between the parties on the left have caused the cancerous Harper government to reign for the last 8 years, much to the chagrin of the majority of Canadians. That is why I'm apologizing.

  13. I did read it, you twit. Your characterization of Canada's "Liberal Party" as centre-right and the NDP as "left of centre" is meaningless without reference to political principles.

    Your apologies are just you preening before an imagined audience whom you imagine to give a fuck. Newsflash: nobody gives a fuck that the Canadian government did X and that you just happen to be Canadian. Are you expecting lynch mobs out to look for Canadians or something? Why would you insult the Taiwanese people by presuming their belief in the nonsense of collective guilt and then groveling before it?


    For future reference: I use "commie" to talk about those, of whichever official party, who seek to expropriate (i.e. steal) other peoples' values for the good of the community, or as it is alternatively sloganized, "social justice". The term "commie" is diminutive (to take the piss), but it's also reasonably accurate in the sense that "community" is the apex concept in your ethics, rather than individual liberty. And that is why you people cannot be called "liberals".

  14. .
    Mike Fagan,

    You obviously live in a world of your own.

    I apologize on behalf of all Canadians for disturbing that construct!


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