
Friday, August 09, 2013

Phils/Taiwan fisherman killing mess links

Temple procession in Tainan

Not much time for blogging today, in Kinmen enjoying that island's wonderful atmosphere and old buildings, but Manila has put out its official report on the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman.

Meanwhile Taipei is responding quid pro quo by announcing that it is lifting the sanctions on Manila. Good news. An emissary came to apologize -- something that had already occurred -- and Manila announced it was prosecuting the sailors, obvious sacrifices to Manila-Taipei relations.
When asked to elaborate on dissatisfaction, Hung Tzu-chien said she felt it was a pity that reporters were denied a chance to raise issues regarding the long-term harassment that Taiwanese fishing boats have suffered at the hands of the Philippine Coast Guard over the decades.
The actual behavior of Taiwanese fishing boats abroad is apparently still unknown in Taiwan, where the media has fallen down on the job (shocked to hear that, I know you are). I would have loved to see the issue of Taiwan's fishing practices discussed in public.

UPDATE: Here are video links to videos posted by Taiwan TV stations:
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  1. Hi Mike

    pls. check out this news from Rueters

    it appeared NP #1 has been leaking water for 3 years..

  2. The scuttlebutt in the fishing harbors is that Taiwanese fishing boats regularly pay off the Philippine Coast Guard to ignore their poaching, and that this incident was one such transaction that just went wrong.
    Provide your own salt please.


    Abad’s wife vows to block Taiwan fish pact

    "Deputy Speaker Henedina Abad of Batanes, wife of Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, has vowed to block any fishing agreement between the Philippines and Taiwan unless the Aquino administration will earmark funding for strict border control in the fishing waters in her province against Taiwanese poachers.
    Abad was referring to the fisheries pact that Taiwan is pushing for with the Philippines when the two parties met in June. Under that agreement, the Philippines would impose a P2.16-million ($50,000) administrative penalty if no case was filed against the Taiwanese fishermen caught fishing in the waters off Balintang Chanel.
    Abad said that it can’t be that simple, underscoring that fishermen in Batanes could only watch helplessly as their small bancas are no mach to the superior fishing junks and communication system of the Taiwanese, which ranges to 25 to 50."


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