
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lovely video of Taiwan, and some links

A gorgeous video from Gigabyte for a new product launch this week.

If you haven't seen the pics from '57-8 below this post, take a look. Meanwhile some links...

Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.


  1. If I'm not mistaken, these would be the FIRST offshore wind farms built off the coast of Taiwan. So, not "more" offshore wind power, but "first"! Huge investment by Taiwan, and it's good to see.

  2. Is it? I thought there was already one going up. I'll change it.

  3. If I'm not mistaken, that sweet polite Chinese woman from the Communist dictatorship across the Strait, which does not recognize Taiwan as the free and legit country that it is, was at least kind and considerate enough -- and Confucian too -- to put down some pages of a local newspaper on the floor so the kid at least did not take a crap directly onto the floor. That is called ''Chinese condideration''. Cut her some slack. Those Commie touists are the best thing that ever happened to Taiwan! In terms of raising awareness to the threat they are!

  4. The incident of the kid taking a crap in the airport is disgusting, and the parent should be told and pointed to a bathroom.
    However, don't treat it as a common occurrence and use this to label mainland tourists in general unless it happens all the time.

    Remember many years ago when some mainland tourists got into a fight while queueing for the train to Alishan? It was a big deal when it happened, but since then, how many times has it happened again?


  5. Those Commie touists are the best thing that ever happened to Taiwan! In terms of raising awareness to the threat they are!

    LOL. I supported the Chinese tourists from the beginning, knowing that the endless incidents of arrogance, classlessness, cluelessness, and destructiveness would endear them to Taiwanese. It wasn't hard to predict.


  6. how many times has it happened again?

    Hmmmm... why don't you run a search on the terms "Alishan railway" and "


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