
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Worried about invisible cutthroats?

Since I started using this spray, no invisible cutthroats have attacked me.

Too tired to blog today, but you can enjoy this pic.....

But read this excellent analysis of the decline in US-Taiwan relations as China rises.
Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.


  1. “But read this excellent analysis of the decline in US-Taiwan relations as China rises.”

    What described in that article is consistent with my concern that the US is making preparation for the possible future that Taiwan is annexed by China. If that's inevitable, it's better take the chance of Taiwan being a fat, juicy, easy to squeeze and eat sheep as the economic source before they still can lay a hand on.

    Someday in the future, someone might want to write a book:

    "Formosa Betrayed--Again!"

  2. DPP could divert the focus on the Chinese import instead of the US beef.

  3. The article makes sense but the title is misleading. The article is focused on one aspect of US-Taiwan ties- Taiwan as training ground for Asia experts.

  4. So what is this cutthroat spray supposed to do (for those of use whose Chinese reading skills are subpar)?


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