
Monday, July 23, 2012

Veep Wu Den-yih Prez Hopes Toast? Discuss....

Here's a question for you addicts of Taiwan politics out there: With Wu threatening to sue media outlets, is Vice President Wu Den-yih's potential run for President in 2016 already over? Can he survive the Lin-Yi-shih scandal?

Another question: with Wu out, who is the 2016 favorite? Chu Li-lun (Eric Chu), the New Taipei City Mayor? Or will longtime KMT heavyweight and Speaker of the Legislature Wang Jyn-ping's time have come at last?

Discuss amongst yourselves.
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  1. Wu will survive this because it will be catastrophic for Ma if he has to step down. Wang will never get the selection from the KMT because the higher ups don't like him and he's seen as an opportunist and Beijing won't trust him either. Chu is still a lightweight and has little charisma so that leaves Mayor Hau and Mayor Hu, both of which would love to run even if they deny it. Hau is more likely because nepotism and because he's Taipei Mayor twice elected which is seen as the testing ground for the Presidential job. Hu is maybe too old and his wife might not like him running or the move to Taipei. So my money is on Wu running against Su.

  2. I don't see how Wu could talk his way back from this to nominee, especially when there is the safe and reliable ex-Taipei mayor route. Why chance it?

  3. Ma was indicted for corruption but went on to be twice elected president. The KMT "owns" the courts and most of the media. I don't expect allegations of corruption will stop Wu running for president in 2016.

  4. Mayor Hu is an incompetent clown and everyone knows this. He was allowed to run for a third term in Taichung simply to stop him moving back up to Taipei and closer to the political center.

    Hau Longbing has a good shot at the candidacy because (1) it's expected that having won the seat of Taipei Mayor he has the mandate to run for president, and (2) because he's the son of the old guard Mainlander elite.

    Wu Dunyi is widely seen as corrupt after his terms in Kaohsiung and Nantou but that didn't stop him him thus far, so I don't see what this latest scandal will do to slow him down. Public has such a short attention span...


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