
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Links

All over Taiwan, little processions like this are whipping up the vote....

Only a few more days... today's links:

Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.


  1. Uh, Joe Hung, who used to write opinions and stuff for the China Post, still writes editorial for the China Pest, unsigned as always, but you can tell when he writes them bc his style is so JOE. so not USED TO WRITE but WHO STILL WRITES opinions and stuff for the China Post,

    But yes, He's tres very reliable, in the way that Pravda and Xinhua are very reliable.

    As for Rob Schnedier hearts Tawian, that is pure hype, he got paid an appearance fee to show up for that PR blitz. it's BS, and he does NOT read your blog.

  2. Hoklo and music and politics? do they Mix or not? - re Jody Chiang recently
    appeared at a campagin rally for one of the ROC
    presiodential candidates, er, Ma.

    does that mean Jody who sings only in Hoklo which ma cannot undestand even supports
    THAT person or did her manager arrange the date as a pay day
    only? i also saw Huang Fei singing for
    Ma today too. it is strange to me since she sings in Hoklo and
    Ma hardly knows Hoklo and DPP supporter CHen MingChan wrote her
    famous songs and yet she supports the KMT group in public. ? why?
    privately it is okay of course to support whoever you want . But in public? From Wu Bai to Amei, i
    feel it is best for singers to remain neutrual , no? agree or disagree? it is just money?

    -- Trevor in Old Blighty!

  3. Thanks so much for the shout out! Dude, back in Taiwan in February. We need to ride together. Doing a story for Bicycle Times Magazine!

  4. it's BS, and he does NOT read your blog.

    Not so serious, man. I was only kidding.

  5. Joe Hung's got the dates wrong. When referencing LBJ, he states "1994" campaign. I think he meant 1964.

  6. Why is this on your blog from the SCMP the only thing I can find in English on a gang shootout in my home city that killed several -- yet I can, in contrast, know from today's Taipei Times, for example, that Dihua Street is gonna come alive during the lunar new year holidays?

    My usual thanks, Michael, for all your great election coverage.

  7. you mean the ''hong mao ren'' red hair big nose adoah fort.....

    my wife calls me an adoah eveery day here, i call here a wax apple nose girl, len yu bi and she gets so red in the face.....

    but we love each other, so all nickanmes are okay

    Kent in Kenting

  8. hy is this on your blog from the SCMP the only thing I can find in English on a gang shootout in my home city that killed several -

    LOL. I had the same thought. But I had't heard about it, it is huge news, perhaps the writer is mistaking some other event....


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