
Thursday, January 05, 2012

The future of Ma

A friend sent my this asking rhetorically why anyone votes KMT.

The majority of locals detest President Ma. KMT party elites refused to support him during his first Chairmanship run, instead supporting current legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng. Many voters picking him support him out of the quasi-religious social identity that makes one KMT, or because they imagine that he is good for business. One almost feels sorry for him, he's so widely disliked.

So it's fun to think about what kind of effect losing the upcoming election will have on his political future. What will post-Presidential life be like for the man? Leave a comment.....
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  1. "So it's fun to think about what kind of effect losing the upcoming election will have on his political future."

    Now, you know I have no love for Ma and would very much relish the idea of him losing the election, but you use the future tense as if you are confident that he will lose. Are you really that confident?

  2. He will become a Taiwan expert in China working on trade deals to continue doing what he does best; please and appease older, more powerful dictators and strongmen.

    He will also dedicate himself to the Confucian classics, flower arranging and calligraphy.

  3. Considering the amount of scandals he have that is currently dust under the bed by the media, & the fact that he probably have a green card, his first act after defeat might be to seek refuge. That is, after trying to cover up as much of those cases as possible in the few months he is still president after the election.

  4. I'm too pessimistic to speculate about that. Plenty of people I know think he's great.

  5. Thank you for this. I'm working on a paper on the Kuomintang Party and it helps to have stories and inside perspectives such as this one. It's a very sad story and I hope everything worked out in the end for this family.

  6. Tommy, no, I still think Ma will pull this out. The negative turn by the DPP has really hurt them.

  7. what do the latest polls say?

  8. Can you let us know that text's bibliographic information? Thx.

  9. If such a thing as Justice were to exist in Taiwan, the future for Ma would be shackles and prison food.

  10. He will become an activist supporting same-sex merriage.

  11. But women over 50 think he's just as darling as can be.

    So he can sell hair products and anti-wrinkle creams in TV ads.

  12. Anon, search the title at the top to find what article it is from.

  13. Will do. But once I find out the source, I'll never tell. BWAHAHAHAHA!

  14. Most politicians will say that they want to spend more time with family after losing office. That said, Ma will have a legitimate
    reason to move closer to her daugthers in US if he does lose.


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