
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Latest Fad: Glasses w/o lenses

What's wrong with this picture? Yes, one encounters them everywhere. Over the last year or so a new fad has emerged: people wearing glasses without lenses. I suppose it's harmless -- it's not lethal like those witch shoes that were popular five years ago, nor offensive like the Great Butt Crack Plague of 2006-7. But....couldn't we have a more reasonable fad? Maybe one memorizing English vocabulary, or a foreign policy fad? Or a pick up litter fad? Or....
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  1. Glasses without lenses? That's so 2010...

  2. ... a 'Not Say Da Lu' fad?
    ps: i thought about what you wrote on that and came up with this idea: Ma made the move to 'officially' bless the use of the word 'mainland' because he knew it was already in common usage, even if it was not expressed with a political or One China hue. Now, the same people will continue to use mainland as they used to but not it will LOOK like vastly more people support Ma's move and by association, his cross-strait policy - genius! Even FTV and Sanlih can't help use the word!

  3. Dude, this style has been around for, like, forever.

    I distinctly remember seeing this style in Taiwan back in '07 at least, and the related plain-glass specs style in London before that (maybe '03-'04).

    Pure hipster. And therefore annoying. Plus ever since it went mainstream it's, like, lost all credibility . . .

  4. Lenses get in the way of one's extra-long false eyelashes.

  5. FOARP -- 2007? I saw my first ones last year. It must have been percolating among the really hip for a while before oozing out into the general population.

  6. See... they're trying to look like that A Zai guy.... the singer who looks real dorky and is always on commercials for either 7-11 or Family Mart.

    He was in a car accident and uses a bowl cut and big glasses to cover his scars.

  7. You kids and your bellbottomed jeans, beards and global humanitarian work. Why, in my day...

  8. Lets see them pull off lenses without glasses!

  9. I can confirm that these have been commonly reported in Taiwan back in 2007.

  10. There's glasses in that photo?

    I couldn't get past that uh... smile.

  11. The fad is in Italy as well. Hasn't really picked up greatly, but I've seen a few gals on the streets of Rome with lense-less glasses. It doesn't seem to have hit the countryside where practicality still counts.

  12. >But....couldn't we have a more reasonable fad? Maybe one memorizing English vocabulary,

    Yeah I think that's been around since forever.

  13. Whatever makes them Freeman.. I mean free, man.

  14. We are [crackle]...posting this message [crackle] from the year two zero one nine [crackle]...must stop...[crackle]...before it's too late...[crackle] fashion [crackle]...pants with holes to show the butt-cheeks [crackle]...rouge and make-up [crackle]...buttock bras [crackle] horrible please don't let this happen [crackle]

  15. i went to get my haircut and the girl at the reception desk was wearing lensless glasses frames. made me take her a lot less seriously, that's for sure.


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