
Friday, August 27, 2010

How Taipei Sees Taiwan

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  1. Wow! That mam maker is awfully generous to all parts south of Hsin Chu. I didn't realize there was that much consciousness.

  2. Great map. Alas, it is a perfect reflection of me.

  3. Perhaps if you had the courage to attach your name to your comments, you could learn even more about all that "consciousness" south of Hsinchu...

  4. mike,

    Relax! It is a joke and Michael knows me well enough that he probably knows very well who I am when I submit a comment. That's enough for me.

    The joke is that people in Taipei seem to forget there is an entire country to the south and rarely feel there is anything worth seeing.

    Living in Taichung, it is hard to get people down here from Taipei. Everything is Taipei centered.

  5. Brilliant!

    I was once in a car with a Taipei resident and a foreigner. As we passed over the bridge from Taipei City to Taipei county, the Taipei resident turned to the foreigner and said, "Welcome to the Third World."


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