
Monday, March 22, 2010

Daily Links, March 22, 2010

Lotsa fun riding this weekend with The Bushman on his trike in the hills north of Taichung. Enjoy the video of a climb up and roll down a nasty little hill on 3 just south of Jhuolan. Michael K filmed it using his helmet mounted camera.

Got HCR today. Can we get moving on a real bill that addresses human-driven global warming? There still time to save the biosphere....

Speaking of the biosphere, the big news in Taiwan this weekend was the dust storm out of China. Ugh. It struck northern Taiwan. Just another reason to live in Taichung.....

As the President leaves to visit the six Pacific nations that recognize the ROC, Taiwan News explains how Ma is undercutting the previous Administration's foreign policy to isolate Taiwan, re-introduce dollar diplomacy, and cede the Pacific to his pals in Beijing. Taiwan compensated for problems with Mirage fighter jets. The TSU argues that ECFA is suicide for Taiwan. Heritage Foundation uses Taiwan's HSR boondoggle to argue that high speed rail is a bad idea for America. Bicycle sales to grow 10%. Taichung: city without a soul. Taiwan Foundation for Democracy battles political interference? Taiwan's rivers are #2 for curviness in Asia. New justice minister won't execute all 44 prisoners on death row at once. Whew -- I was really worried about that possibility. Rio Tinto trial opens in China. Next round of ECFA talks slated for March 29 in Taipei. Taiwan won't make loan to Ecuador that China refuses to make. The transcript from the 2-28 Seminar at the U of Washington

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1 comment:

  1. "New justice minister won't execute all 44 prisoners on death row at once."

    Wasn't that the same strategy used during the White Terror?


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