
Friday, July 03, 2009

Two More DPP Politicians Indicted

The prosecution of DPPers continues unabated....from KNN:
Taichung District prosecutors indicted DPP secretary-general Wu Nai-jen and former DPP legislator Hong Chi-chang on charges of perfidy as prosecutors concluded that Wu, while chairman of Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC), had authorized TSC to sell land it owned under market value to a company that had close connections with Hong Chi-chang. The land deal, according to the prosecutors, caused TSC NT$ 400 million in losses.


Regarding the reports that CLD had served as Hong Chi-chang’s long-term bankrollers, Wu explained that CLD had made political contributions to both the Blue and Green camps, and not just to Hong Chi-chang. Wu said, “Since the prosecutors have already investigated CLD’s operations, they must have seized CLD’s accounting books.” Wu stressed that it would take a stretch of the imagination to characterize CLD as bankrollers of the Green camp.
Two more DPP politicians victims of a witch hunt?

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  1. First they came for the DPP politicians...

    How long will it take before everybody speaks up?

    Everybody reading this, if you haven't already done so, go sign the petition to demand the immediate release of Chen Shui-bian right now. Then speak up about this whenever you have the chance.

    Tim Maddog

  2. Given how much real corruption is going on, it's sad to see prosecutors continuously going after bunk like this. The cases are becoming, "yes you didn't get anything out of it, but it looks like ____ made some money". Building a train station will also make people living around there money. Is that a crime? It is if you took a bribe; but if not, it's really a political question and up to the voters whether they think everyone is getting their fair share of development. Otherwise, let the south start filing perfidy lawsuits against the KMT for 50 years of favoring Taipei. This is getting pretty ridiculous.

  3. Isn't this how the ruling party of Singapore consolidates its power--through discrediting lawsuits and defamation? Is it really all that surprising?

  4. @Tim - Dude. Chen Shuibian is, barring some surprise evidence from out of nowhere, almost certainly guilty. Accept it, his children have.

  5. FOARP

    I think the issue isn't Chen's guilt or innocence. The issue is the pattern of prosecution. The prosecutors are only going after the DPP. There are several members of the KMT standing committee who have participated in countless acts of bribery, accepting kick backs, bid rigging... all forms of self-enrichment at the expense of the public... and these acts go back and have continued for decades... yet they do not face investigation or prosecution.

  6. @TimmnaddogFirst they came for the DPP

    and then they came for the KMT

  7. Did Chang Sho-wen go to jail? No, he didn't.

    And what was his punishment? According to the article linked above (link to Google cache of the article):
    - - -
    The lawmaker could be forced to pay back the estimated NT$13 million in wages he had received since taking office last year, reports said.
    - - -

    In other words, he made the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) look bad too close to the next election.

    If 7:51 AM anonymous had a brain, his/her head would have just exploded.

    Tim Maddog

  8. Did Chang Sho-wen go to jail? No, he didn't.

    It was a civil case, so of course he didn't go to jail.

  9. So, 7:51 AM / 9:14 AM anonymous, what that means is that no one actually "came for the KMT."

    Tim Maddog


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