
Monday, July 06, 2009

Daily Links, July 6, 2009

Getting rid of that new car bad luck? I took this at the Matsu Temple in Dajia. The car had been driven into the temple premises and the fellow above was busy smokily blessing it.

What's being exorcised on the blogs this week?
MEDIA: Kobe Bryant to visit here in July. This story was covered a while back on many blogs, but Japan Focus has a nifty piece on how Old Kashgar is being demolished to make way for an Anti-Terrorism City. Minxin Pei over at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace has an article on why the coming Asian Era won't arrive. Ma Ying-jeou and Taiwan vs. Korea. China links make Matsu go. Taiwan's entry into the GPA under the WTO is a sovereignty FUBAR. Reuters analyzes the risks of Chinese investment in Taiwan. Dell accidentally prices monitors at NT$500, takes orders for 140,000, then realizes error. China Mobile still applying for approval of its stake in FarEastOne even though it is illegal under Taiwan law. BYU nursing students learn about the end of life in Taiwan. Ma's doubling as Prez of ROC and Chairman of KMT poses risks. TSU says change investment climate, not bring in Chinese capital. Ma says he expects speedy resolution to beef talks with the US. The US obsession with selling environmentally unsound, taxpayer-subsidized beef to Taiwan is like a metaphor for everything that is wrong with US foreign policy. Civic groups slam Ma for not caring about human rights in China. Tainan to get Taiwan's eighth national park. NSC head and powerful politician Su Chi slammed for family connections to China. Ma's trip to Honolulu in the local paper.

SPECIAL: Weirdly, since abortion so popular here, Taiwan is one of 15 countries in which Google does not permit Google AdSense to show ads for abortion providers. IWHC has an action alert for this.

Thursday, Todd at the Daily Bubble Tea will be doing the links.

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  1. 這個儀式是讓新車以後能趨吉避凶

  2. Good to have back your analyses and all the links you provide.


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