
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Taidu Beauties Make Minister Yeh Cry

Minister Yeh was in Geneva to observe the World Health Assembly and lo and behold, a couple of fierce Taiwan independence babes assailed him. He convened an instant press conference, where he sniffled and whimpered. I'm with ya man, totally hot Taiwan girls have the same effect on me.

You can watch the event on video. I think I'll turn this one over to the pro-KMT China Post to watch The Message at work:
A dozen co-eds, who claim they are studying in European universities, badgered the MOH chief at the Intercontinental Hotel party about the title with which he is participating in the Geneva meeting of the decision-making body of the World Health Organization.

When they confirmed Yeh was representing “Chinese Taipei,” the bevy of girls accused him of selling out Taiwan. In particular, they charged him with attending the meeting as representative from “Taiwan, province of China,” the official U.N. designation of the island state.

Chinese Taipei is taking part in the meeting as an observer for the first time.

“A traitor,” one of the girls shouted.

That drew the indignant Yeh's cry-out. “Shame on you, all,” he blurted.

By trying to insult him, Yeh said, “These self-styled college students were not only insulting themselves, but all the people of Taiwan.”

After the protesting students had been led away, Yeh called a crash press conference, where he said nobody could accuse him of selling out Taiwan, the country he risked his life to save from the devastating SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic in 2003.


And where was President Chen's son-in-law when the SARS epidemic hit Taiwan?” Yeh asked. Chao Chien-ming, an orthopedic surgeon at the Taiwan University Hospital, asked for a long leave of absence to avoid seeing patients for fear that he might be infected.
As you can see, for the KMT, it all comes back to Chen Shui-bian. Whenever something goes wrong -- quick! Mention Chen Shui-bian! If the car doesn't start, A-bian took the spark plug. If the dog craps on the rug, A-bian forgot to walk him. Pan-Blue couple getting a divorce? Affair with A-bian, of course. I hear the break-up of Pangaea was due to A-bian's malign influence.....

The leader of the pack was one Huang Hai-ning, aka the Taidu Spice Girl or the Taidu Beauty, according to the Liberty Times report today. The daughter of DPP politicians, originally hailing from Taichung county (she appears to have left when I arrived; this can't be a coincidence), she is studying in Paris, and drove down to Geneva to pay a call on the Health Minister. Good PR move....

J Michael pointed out that they did at least alert people to the fact that there were Taiwanese who were peeved and who were willing to risk arrest to let the world know. UPDATE: Got it totally wrong -- misunderstood the Liberty Times report. My bad guys. See comments for the corrections... I post one here:
I can translate, but don't have the time right now. The main point is that Taidu Spice Girl was extremely poised and extremely rational, and nothing like the China Post description or yours. She posed two very important questions repeatedly, the first being 1) What name is Taiwan joining the WHO under? Chinese Taipei or Province of China. The first is ugly, but the second is noxious and if used officially, would mean certain death to the international support Taiwan has built up worldwide over many years that is so crucial to its continued security. She later asks Yeh ironically to tell her what country she belongs to.

Yeh is completely off his rocker and his response in any normal situation would result in an immediate resignation. He was the one that yelled at the girl that she couldn't speak Taiwanese (she can), then says he "loves Taiwan more than her" (she says this is irrelevant and what's important are the implications for Taiwan's sovereignty). Yeh repeatedly yells at her that she is shameless, useless, an embarrassment, and tries to speak Taiwanese and English to shout her into submission. In one of the most absolutely noteworthy part of the clip, a KMT legislator tells Yeh that maybe he can speak to her and the media about their concerns in a "gentlemanly" manner.

No one accused Yeh of selling out Taiwan or was making a personal attack on Yeh. The student protesters outside were chanting "DON'T sell out Taiwan". All the language issues, the "who loves Taiwan more" issue--those were all brought up by Yeh himself in his nonsensical replies.
The girls, who in most news reports numbered two, but in the China Post became a dozen, were arrested briefly and then released. Naturally Minister Yeh threatened legal action -- in Taiwan.
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  1. What sexist reporting!
    Did anyone else catch the dismissive tone of the article based on the fact they were female?

  2. Sexist reporting? You'll have to expect that from a bastion of Chinese cultural chauvinism and patriarchy as the China Post. Sexism is one of the least of their crimes .. see the lie about Taiwan, province of China being recognised as such by the UN?

  3. There's a fine line between bending to accommodate China and being taken for a ride.

    WSJ article on china. potential lessons for tw if KMT learns

  4. "The ensuing melee went pretty much according to script, with each calling the other a traitor and resorting to raising their respective political spectres, she calling him out for being unable to speak Taiwanese, he raising the Ghost of Chens Past (he gave the impromptu press conference in Taiwanese)"Holy shit, the KMT smear strategy worked. Michael, unfortunately, you have stepped on some dog shit, and you are way off. I'm actually not sure if maybe you don't understand some of the Chinese or the Taiwanese or you just didn't watch the full video. It's very different from the clips shown on the big news channels.

    I can translate, but don't have the time right now. The main point is that Taidu Spice Girl was extremely poised and extremely rational, and nothing like the China Post description or yours. She posed two very important questions repeatedly, the first being 1) What name is Taiwan joining the WHO under? Chinese Taipei or Province of China. The first is ugly, but the second is noxious and if used officially, would mean certain death to the international support Taiwan has built up worldwide over many years that is so crucial to its continued security. She later asks Yeh ironically to tell her what country she belongs to.
    2) Why did Taiwan have to pay $5 million to attend? There is also an issue of an MOU signed by the KMT with China, although I am not so clear about this point, and the KMT refuses to talk about it.

    Yeh is completely off his rocker and his response in any normal situation would result in an immediate resignation. He was the one that yelled at the girl that she couldn't speak Taiwanese (she can), then says he "loves Taiwan more than her" (she says this is irrelevant and what's important are the implications for Taiwan's sovereignty). Yeh repeatedly yells at her that she is shameless, useless, an embarrassment, and tries to speak Taiwanese and English to shout her into submission. In one of the most absolutely noteworthy part of the clip, a KMT legislator tells Yeh that maybe he can speak to her and the media about their concerns in a "gentlemanly" manner.

    No one accused Yeh of selling out Taiwan or was making a personal attack on Yeh. The student protesters outside were chanting "DON'T sell out Taiwan". All the language issues, the "who loves Taiwan more" issue--those were all brought up by Yeh himself in his nonsensical replies.

    But don't take my word for all this. Watch the video! It's EXTREMELY insightful. If this video in its entirety can get picked up by mainstream media, there's a chance that Yeh will go down.

  5. Michael wrote: she calling him out for being unable to speak Taiwanese,... That is not what happened. It was the other way around: Yeh challenged her to speak Taiwanese with a ridicule [implying that she could not speak Taiwanese].

    She, get this, replied both in (Holo) Taiwanese and Hakka. From the look of Yeh, the guy didn't get the Hakka part. That's a huge political statement, which nobody has caught yet.

    By replying in both Holo Taiwanese and Hakka, she meant to indicate to him that there are other languages in Taiwan than "Holo Taiwanese".

    In fact, Yeh shot back with "You guys are supposed to be loving Taiwan more than I do, you tell me [under what name we are participating in WHA]", the young lady responded: "There is no point talking about who loves Taiwan. I am only asking you one simple question: under what name are we participating in WHA".

    A clear-headed response from her.

    Ms. Huang did an excellent job with sanity and logic.

    The guy is a whining wimp, very well suitable to serve the masters in Beijing.

    The "where was the son-in-law of Chen Shui-Bian" part was really hilarious. Imagine the horror of a SARS patient if "Doctor Yeh" did call in an orthopedic (Chen's son-in-law) for her/his illness, which is an epidemic primarily attacking the respiratory system.

  6. Very good show, very funny comments, poor Doctor Yeh! lol

  7. Blue media is all smearing the DPP with this. This is crazy. All the labels, the irrationality were brought up by Yeh. But the echo chamber Blue media is talking about how the students yelled at Yeh and ridiculed him as "selling out Taiwan" and "not loving Taiwan". Only Yeh brought these topics up! This is so nuts. Full video speaks the truth! I can't believe this whole thing...

  8. All the vitriol and obfuscation the KMT is throwing towards this incident actually belies one thing: They're scared to death of people like Huang Hai-ning.

    The KMT's standard line is that the only people who support the DPP or other pro-Taiwan groups can be classified as: a) Old, b) Uneducated, and c) Impoverished. This makes it easy to dismiss anyone who speaks out against the KMT as being stupid, violent, country bumpkins who clearly can't cope with the path laid out for them by their benevolent, sophisticated KMT mentors.

    In the video, Miss Huang is not violent, but simply asks a very cleanly defined question that Mr. Yeh should be able to answer easily. She speaks multiple languages (thus contradicting the KMT's common claim that pro-Taiwan people are Holo chauvinists), and as a student studying abroad, clearly cannot be classified as uneducated or low class.

    On the other hand, Mr. Yeh is obstinate, resorts to screaming personal insults and making racist statements on Miss Huang's language preferences (fomenting ethnic tensions anyone?). Hardly the sophisticated, enlightened, professional image the KMT likes to associate itself with.

    The pro-Taiwan side needs more people like Huang Hai-ning.

  9. I love the fact that he never addressed her questions and changed the subject to the politics of authenticity.

  10. This is unfortunate another media battle...this time Ma is going full assault. Hopefully pan green media will have a strong counter attack on this...and hopefully Taiwanese people can see all the evidences, not just partial and manipulated footages fed by pan blue media.

    But the young lady is a brave one. Making Yeh dodging a simple question, turn angry, and then acting to cry is a big accomplishment. I admire her action. Bravo.

  11. 即將從政而造勢的留學生黃海寧03上全民最大黨 這個黃"大嬸"紅了喔~~
    31歲了還被媒體封為"辣妹"是有點太牽強啦 ^_^

  12. We caught the $5 million comment, too. That's $5 million US, by the way.

    And that was an apt question: WHat do we get for our US$5 million.

    We know what Yeh gets; luxury hotel, privileges, prestige. Taiwan gets...?

  13. Strawberry Shortcake loses it when harangued by a couple of CIVILIAN WOMEN. What an impressive sight that makes.

    How then, can he be expected to stand tough when the Chinese Communists try to push him around?

    If Yeh can't stand the heat ... he should go back to the kitchen.

  14. A video of the entire exchange is at

  15. Maybe it's because I'm a foreign female, but the only thing that caught my eye was that he was "shouting her into submission." I got into a huge argument with my Taiwanese landlord a few months ago, and that's what he tried to do. Although I stood up to him, I can't explain how humiliated he made me feel. I know he wouldn't have done that if I were either male or white or both. And this is one main reason why I don't date Asians. Even if they were born/raised in a western country or lived/worked in a western country for a significant time, Asian (and Asian-American) men seem to cling to the "old country's" culture more than women. I have never been able to explain it. I have, however, been able to avoid it. =)

  16. yep, anon,

    I am not sure if this is just limited to Asian male, but it's very obvious one or 2 of Yeh's remarks is descriminative against female.

    But not just the female part. What he said has a hint of "racial" and "generational" descrimation.

    Basically I just think he is an arrogant middle age man, who cannot explain to a much younger woman their policy of submitting to China's will. And I think that pissed him and his "buddies" off subcountiously. Quite pathetic actually.

    The bottom line is this guy is not fit to be an official and represent Taiwan.

  17. Man you guys crack me up. While I agree that Minister Yeh most definitely could've handled the situation a lot better, there is no question that the Huang Hai-ning girl had ulterior motives for her actions. The Taiwan media has already dug up all the dirt on her. Her father's a former Taichung legislator with deep associations with deep DPP affiliations and Huang herself is trying to enter politics. Trust me, with her father's connections and this latest political stunt, she will be embraced with open arms by the DPP. And for those of you who think she was "civilized", you guys obviously missed the finer points of her opening remarks to Minister Yeh. When she first blocked his way, Huang said to Yeh: "Minister Yeh, I'm sure you would you love to appear on the cover of NEXT Magazine (Yi Zhoukan), so I'm here to oblige you." This opening statement can be viewed as a crude joke or a veiled threat, but either way it pretty much signals her intention of trying to cause him maximum embarrasement at all costs. If there's one thing Taiwan politicans hate it's appearing on Next Magazine, especially on the cover, since it could potentially cost them their jobs and ruin their reputation. The most recent example is Ma's top aide Zhu Yun-peng, who was canned after Next Magazine reported on him going out on dates during work hours. Yeah, Next Magazine destroys political careers, so its pretty obvious what this girl was trying to do, destroy Yeh's political career. Not exactly setting the tone for a "civilized" conversation now are we. Sure enough, cue the hardline DPP faction who have already asked for Yeh's resignation. So at the end of the day, what the hell has all this ruckus achieved? Absolutely nothing, besides paving the way for a future political starlet in the DPP. But then again that was her whole plan to begin with anyway; are you people really so naive to think that her actions were for any other purpose? If you do, well then I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

  18. "Even if they were born/raised in a western country or lived/worked in a western country for a significant time, Asian (and Asian-American) men seem to cling to the "old country's" culture more than women. I have never been able to explain it."You have some pretty funny claims. Sexism is pretty universal. White guys come to Asia saying they are looking for submissive, tender Asian women (and men) eager to please. You are stereotyping both the men and the women, but interestingly enough, in Taiwan, women run a lot of businesses, and it's on a scale much different from the US. They certainly seem in charge of much more than in the US, and traditionally in Taiwan, are often the keepers of the money.

    I look at each girl individually, but I personally don't like dating white girls because no matter how liberal, how international they think they are, they have no idea what it's like to be a minority and no matter how they try to hide it, are disturbingly racist. =P

  19. anon,

    You really should clear up you ear wax and listen more carefully to the whole video:

    "When she first blocked his way, Huang said to Yeh: 'Minister Yeh, I'm sure you would you love to appear on the cover of NEXT Magazine (Yi Zhoukan), so I'm here to oblige you.'"

    You know why she said that? Because right before Yeh said something like "Don't keep asking me. If you keep asking me, we will be on the NEXT Magazine."

    Listen CAREFULLY. That is actually one of the part that I sense his sexism. Because NEXT Magazine is usually about middle age men having affairs with young women etc. He clearly made that remark to insult her.

    That's why exactly I HOPE Taiwanese watch the WHOLE thing.

    And yea, sure, why can't she have ulterior motives? Maybe she want to be a politician, maybe she want to impress her parents or friends. Who cares. As long as her heart is in the right place and she is also doing this for Taiwan, it's all good. And her bravery deserves praise.

    And Yeh doesn't have ulterior motives? Don't make me laugh.

  20. anon@10:46, that's pretty much what I observed originally, but deleted.

    So the girl's a shrewd politician. So what? She's long been associated with the DPP, so of course they will welcome her. And her points stand, irrespective of her motives for making them: the Administration is selling the island out and stands for nothing.

    I find it incredible that a minor act of self-aggrandizement has you posting such a long comment. I can't wait to read your dissertation on the sell out of the island by the Old Guard, an act of self-aggrandizement that dwarfs anything our Taidu princess can do.


  21. Anon wrote The Taiwan media has already dug up all the dirt on her. Her father's a former Taichung legislator with deep associations with deep DPP affiliations and Huang herself is trying to enter politics. Trust me, with her father's connections and this latest political stunt, she will be embraced with open arms by the DPP.Well, your "dirt" word got me all geared up for a "National Inquirer" report.

    I was greatly disappointed and failed to detect any "dirt" in what you wrote. Can you please share the real "dirt" part with us?

    Assuming what you wrote were true, what's wrong with her planning on a political career? If she were passionate about Taiwan's politics, she should follow her passion. Any loving parent would advise their children to follow their passion.

  22. "The most recent example is Ma's top aide Zhu Yun-peng, who was canned after Next Magazine reported on him going out on dates during work hours. Yeah, Next Magazine destroys political careers"

    Really? I thought it was going out on dates that got him canned. Are you claiming that if another news outlet had broken the story, Mr. Zhu would still have a job?

    That's just picking nits. Michael's more on point. Just because she did it for personal gain doesn't make any of what she said wrong.

  23. to me, that KMT guy seems way more taiwanese than the girl.

    the girl needs a lesson from her dad on how to look and act taiwanese. Also, her taiwanese isnt very good, she needs to go out on the streets in taiwan more and learn it from the streets. his dad's got it right. why hasn't she?
    ▲ ▲

  24. WOW.. taiwanese elite politican hit the reality..

    so much to chinese aehmm sorry confunzian harmony.

    aside that he reacts like chinese students when you tell them to fuck off of your country when they tell you to follow their claims and orders..

  25. anon,

    now you are telling us how Taiwanese should act?

    only in a country with no liberty will its people act in uniformality.

  26. " its pretty obvious what this girl was trying to do, destroy Yeh's political career. Not exactly setting the tone for a "civilized" conversation now are we."

    Well...perhaps I am asking an all-too-obvious question...but didn't the lady begin by asking him a fairly straight-forward question...and didn't he flatly refuse to answer it? Wasn't he the one to begin making acusations? Am I wrong?

    Of course it was a question he didn't want to answer...and certainly didn't expect to be asked outside of Taiwan..or, I'm sorry...Chinese Taipei.

    But if he didn't want it to become a "scene" that might put him on the cover of a magazine, then he should have responded cooly and ratonally to the woman's questions...especially considering that he is supposedly there to represent the citizens of Taiwan...or (I'm sorry) the ROC..or, ahem...Chinese Taipei...or maybe he is actually just representing the KMT? Does HE even know who he is representing???

    Hmmmm....maybe THAT'S the crux of this problem...

    Scott in 士林

  27. dixteel, acting taiwanese is politically smart. A lot of Taiwanese voters are swayed by the perception of talking, acting, dressing like a Taiwanese. It is the truth whether you like it or not. The KMT knows this and you can see it reflected in their TV commercials.The KMT guy was right. She has no 台灣味 at all. If she wants to be a politician in Taiwan, she better learn how to act like a Taiwanese.

  28. What the heck are these weird comments about how the girl isn't Taiwanese enough? How about you define Taiwanese first? Then your trolling might get a little more mileage. I'm Taiwanese. I have no idea what you're talking about.

  29. silly rabbit! what if the question was delivered via letter? does it matter what the envelope looked like? does that make the question less valid?

    also could one of the reasons she intended to dress/look like she's not Taiwanese, is because she is studying/living in Europe?

    maybe she'll follow anon's recommendation to dress more "Taiwanese" when and if she decides to run for office.

    I would vote for her as she is now.

  30. i have been reading your blog lately ... hope to see more of your post =)


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