
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Links, May 1, 2009

What fertilizer are they spraying on the blogs this week?

  • WHA on the blogs: Letters from Taiwan

  • Andres visits the National Aquarium in Kenting. Awesome pics.

  • Taiwanese environmentalists criticize Luc Besson's (director, The Fifth Element, The Professional) decision to invite Taipei Mayor Hau to environmental shindig
  • .
  • David with a fantastic post on how the KMT constructs history.

  • One of the great things about being a blogger is the privilege of interacting with smart people who share your passion.

  • Taipei Prosecutors turn a blind eye to police misconduct, says maddog.

  • Letters from Taiwan on the Party of Violence -- maddog on same.

  • Reason number 5 to love Taiwan

  • Jerome K on Jerome C criticizing Ma YJ.

  • Hahahaha. I've had the exact same experience at pools in Taiwan as Mark.

  • Todd does the Tung blossom trail. Beautiful.

  • Barking Deer has a new package for hikers wishing to ascend Yushan

  • IMF predicts twice as big a recession in 2009 for Taiwan
  • MEDIA: The news that stunned the stock market today: China Mobile to invest in Taiwan telecom -- triggering the market's best day in almost two decades. Overseas Filipino Workers demand equal rights in Taiwan. Taiwan's Madoff arrested by FBI. A third tourist dies from the incident with the crane in Taipei. Taiwan's export orders fell 24.9% last month, the sixth straight monthly drop. But many media outlets are reporting an uptick in orders from China. Taiwan sorta kinda makes a three strikes law for downloading copyright material. First case of swine flu -- NOT. Thank god -- now I can go back to worrying about dying in a traffic accident. Businessweek: agreements signed! No sign of what they were -- the usual pattern is that no details are discussed in the international media, so the only people who realize Taiwan got screwed are us locals. China's growing role in UN peacekeeping. The CFR argues that the G2 is a mirage.

    WHA and Nanjing Talks: Beijing correspondents talking about Taiwan: like virgins giving the Establishment line on sex. Wapo with a bare bones article. AP on the WHA entry. MAC claims China will no longer be a safe haven for Taiwan's White Collar KMT criminals. In other news, George III predicts rebels in North American colonies will soon be brought to heel. Taiwan expects to join other world health mechanisms. Chinese dissident says economic means are the way China intends to annex Taiwan. Imagine that.

    Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!


    1. Copyright law in Taiwan these days feels way, way more strict than when I was in college in the US. It gets pretty ridiculous. The only exception I would say is that small businesses in Taiwan pirate probably a lot more than US small businesses.

    2. Michael,
      The Taiwan Link "link" to the story about Obama and Taiwan does not seem to work.

    3. bad link to Obama Team starting to shape up

    4. If you use google + cache:[link] you can still read it. The problem was the author took the story down, not the link.

    5. The white collar criminals are doing what China wants--they steal money in Taiwan, bring it to China, and then create real businesses. Why would they do anything to stop that?

    6. Also in the news: Chinese billions in Sri Lanka fund battle against Tamil Tigers. Apparently they are building a Chinese Navy base in Hambantota as well. (Look out Suao.......).

    7. taiwan still needs some boosting >.<


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