
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is Ma a puppet?

The old Japanese agricultural research station in Tainan, in use until recently.

There's nothing like the yawning political abyss that the KMT is dropping Taiwan into accompanied by gray skies and the pitt-pitt-pitt of steadily falling rain every day. It's more demoralizing than being called stupid by Sharon Stone.

The Taipei Times had an excellent editorial today about the ridiculous comments of Wu Po-hsiung and the increasing perception that the party-to-party negotiations between the two Leninist Chinese parties over the fate of Taiwan have made a puppet of newly-minted President Ma Ying-jeou:

As the Democratic Progressive Party has rightly pointed out, the KMT has shown impatience in starting negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and done so in a manner that could compromise this country’s sovereignty. The lack of accountability inherent in party-to-party talks, furthermore, threatens to bypass the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), lending credence to fears that real diplomatic work will be conducted in backrooms by individuals who were not democratically elected into office — a system with which Beijing is, by design, fully comfortable, but one that does not represent how a democratic country should conduct diplomacy.

Wu’s optimism about a possible reduction in missiles, meanwhile, is gullibility at its most extreme. For one, even if China were to dismantle or redirect some of its missiles, the fact remains that hundreds would still be aimed this way. One missile — and the threat to use it — is one too many. Furthermore, quantitative cuts mean very little when they could easily be offset by the increasing precision of those still active. In other words, as long as the intent to use missiles against Taiwan exists, talk of cuts is meaningless.

A few years ago, during the KMT Chairmanship election, veteran Taiwan watcher Lawrence Eyton opined:

Ma was widely touted by the media as the favorite, but he was certainly a very odd favorite. When the vote took place, three quarters of the party's legislators, many high-level party officials such as central executive committee head Chang Che-shen and more than 100 retired generals - the KMT is traditionally strong in the military - had thrown their support behind Wang.

Ma may be popular with the locals, but party elites detest him. Now it looks like the Old Guard is simply going to bypass him, leaving Ma to take the hit. Or win the Nobel Peace Prize, as a scholar suggested a few days ago.

Strange to think about it. Voters declined twice, in 2000 and in 2004, to award the Presidency to Lien Chan, Honorary Chairman of the KMT and probably the one calling the shots behind the scene (although there are some net-rumors that Wu is trying to carve out a position for himself as puppeteer to the President along with other KMT heavyweights). To the extent that voters approved of the KMT ticket in 2004, it was more likely support for the able and popular James Soong, the wily populist Caesar to Lien Chan's inestimably wealthy Crassus. The irony is that having twice declined to give the crown to Lien, they have nevertheless handed him the keys to the kingdom by putting the weak Ma in power with a KMT legislature at his back.

And the US thinks cross-strait relations are moving in the right direction. I think I'll go outside now and contemplate the angry gray skies...


  1. "What we need now is a new president
    who will inspire panic in the stockholder (voter).

    -A puppet!
    -A proxy!

    A pawn!
    Some jerk...
    ...we can really push around."

    Lines from The Hudsucker Proxy

  2. .
    But...but...I would feel comfortable having a beer with him!

    ...err...sorry...wrong puppet leader.

  3. Michael,
    The game plan is to push Ma to the middle(ish). So extreme KMT members are now fluffing their feathers, the buck still stops with Ma , as it did with Chen before him.


  4. If the KMT were to "sell out" Taiwan to the CCP,wouldn't it be cutting its own throat?

  5. Wouldn't the KMT be cutting its own throat if it sold out Taiwan to the CCP?

  6. has several job openings in Taiwan for puppet masters, blind masseuses or white stick importers. Please contact KMTHQ for more information.

  7. Michael,
    The game plan is to push Ma to the middle(ish). So extreme KMT members are now fluffing their feathers, the buck still stops with Ma , as it did with Chen before him.

    That's interesting. Ma definitely needs to get better control of the KMT. Why do they want Ma in the middle? Looks to me like they want him made irrelevant. Or is it the same thing?


  8. If the KMT were to "sell out" Taiwan to the CCP,wouldn't it be cutting its own throat?

    How? "One country two systems" and perhaps they even get access to the mainland once it opens up to other parties.

  9. The way it seems now is that the buck does not stop with Ma. Ma is being left out in the whole equation so far. Looks like Wu is running the show.

  10. I agree with Richard and Michael. If it were true that there were some kind of grand plan to push Ma to the centre, thereby solidifying his support, then Ma would be on record every day with centrist statements. Rather, Wo and the KMT are stealing the show, and seem to be reveling in it.

    Ma looks like a pygmy to the KMT's giant.

  11. Under One Country Two Systems, the KMT leadership (and gangster footsoldiers) would be free to receive privy government insider information on centrally planned economic development and real estate projects in China... to amass fortunes beyond what they made ripping off the Taiwanese by doing the exact same thing.

  12. Why is there so much noise? Why is there so much complains? Simply, those losers like DPP are caught with their pants down without any positive achievement to shout for, after eight long years of governing Taiwan. Damned to the losers if they could keep their despicable life to themselves. Let peace prevail across the strait.

  13. to amass fortunes beyond what they made ripping off the Taiwanese by doing the exact same thing.

    If KMT was ripping off the Taiwanese, why Taiwanese are so rich? Giggles...I mean rich enough for some of you to live in Taiwan and make money off Taiwan. Clearly, you think Taiwan offered better living situation than your old homes or you won't stay.

    Btw, I wounder who lost the election. Hsieh can't even be a puppet even if he wants (cries).

  14. "Simply, those losers like DPP are caught with their pants down without any positive achievement to shout for."

    It depends on if you see what the KMT is doing as "achievements" or not, beway. I don't, therefore I am free to complain all I want.

  15. As far as I can tell, Ma is a democratically elected, legitimised president. If his policies will turn out to be successful remains to be seen. Too early to tell.

  16. A suggestion was made that Ma should get the Nobel Peace prize. I agree. He would fit in well with former winners like Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, and Yassar Arafat.

  17. beway do you live in Taiwan? i do. from the idiotic "raise prices all in one go" and the gas lines it caused to the fact that it is turning out that EVERYONE in the KMT has a green card/US citizenship to Ma saying "the rain isn't my fault, I'm not mayor anymore" meanwhile crops are being destroyed by flooding and too much rain in the South and flooding has caused much damage from bridges to schools...

    You ask "why so much noise?".

    I ask. Where the fuck is Ma Ying-jeou? For all I know, he really is a puppet. Because he's completely disappeared since his inauguration even while so many crises are happening in his administration.

    I'm starting to think the KMT's plan is to PURPOSELY fuck up the first year of the presidency so that expectations are really low, bring the economy to around 5% economic growth by year 3-4 (same rate as DPP), and greatly surpass everyone's expectations and thereby get re-election...

  18. arty, keep trolling if you want, but stop with the giggling thing. It's creepy and disturbing.

  19. "Because he's completely disappeared since his inauguration"

    Correction: He just appeared briefly to say how far Beijing has come since Tiananmen without chiding them at all on the event. He did an about-face from previous years where he did offer condemnation, showing that he doesn't want to offend Beijing and upset what "he" (the KMT) is trying to do. Talk about not having the balls to do what is right! Wasn't it he who condemned Beijing over Tibet during the campaign? Now that the campaign has passed, even a cut-and-dry case of a human rights violation by Beijing (the real violation in my mind is that they still can't own up to what they did) goes under the rug.

    Will this be his presidency? A figurehead who makes effete speaches while housewives swoon?

  20. arty, keep trolling if you want, but stop with the giggling thing. It's creepy and disturbing.

    Are you very old or something? Giggles are used a lot online especially when I play online games with people (not just me but others use, too, also FUBAR). Maybe is an American thing just like the symbols are different i.e. :) smile in the US and ^.^ in Asia). Btw, average gamers age are 31 now so I am not that young either.

  21. In Arty's defence, I think we should all giggle more from time to time. In fact, giggling could bring supporters and opponents of Ma together by taking their mind off of the absurdity of Taiwan's international situation. Let's all giggle together now.

  22. C'mon G.I.s..."Clearly, you think Taiwan offered better living situation than your old homes or you won't stay."

    Doesn't arty sound a little like Tokyo Rose..?

  23. Lay off arty. You should see horseshit I have to moderate. Compared to that, arty is a rational and insightful pro-Blue commentator.


  24. I agree with Michael: There's nothing wrong with Arty that a good dominatrix wouldn't cure, and curing him should be her job, not ours.

  25. I agree with Michael: There's nothing wrong with Arty that a good dominatrix wouldn't cure, and curing him should be her job, not ours.

    LOL, I do know a dominatrix (how do you know that) but I never use her service even when it is offered for free. :P You see, I like to dominate but not to be dominated.

    I know several members of this organization

    Please do note that I know its old web address (it is not a porn site so don't worry), so you know I have been around. However, I do know some of you are sexually oppressed hence constantly questioning the institute of marriage...I am still single btw. However, when I decide to get married, I will know she is the one.

  26. Hey as long as Ma doesn't sell out the country, I'm cool with that. But hey, you never know, shiit happens.

    KMT needs to retake China, cuz ROC is the legitimate ruler of CHINA.


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