
Monday, February 27, 2012

Daily Links, Feb 27, 2012

The Daily Links, which are actually weekly links, have returned.....

NOT TAIWAN: "Shouldn't the tower just collapse under the weight of his massive balls?"

Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.


  1. It's a bit over the top to reject the name "Pirate Party." Here in Australia there is even a "Sex Party". There was also once a "Party! Party! Party!"

  2. Thanks for linking to me, Michael. I look forward to your 2-28 coverage.

  3. Wouldn't a more democratic position on Kinmen and Matsu be that the permanent residents get to vote in a referendum over whether they stay with Taiwan or return to China (in the event that Taiwan becomes independent)?

  4. Wouldn't a more democratic position on Kinmen and Matsu be that the permanent residents get to vote in a referendum

    That would work too.

    Michael Turton

  5. I should add that it's my opinion the best the population will be able to do is choose whether to go to Taiwan or remain on the islands. I don't think there is any possible way to dispute who they belong to under international law. But I'd be willing to listen to a good argument :)


  6. Political parties take positions which are not in accordance with international law all the time. I was thinking more in terms of what would be best for the DPP ideologically, not what would be most practical if Taiwanese independence really happened.

    -Sara (I forgot to put my name in the last comment)


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