
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Obsessions Leave Out

I was reading with grim amusement the conclusion of local doctors printed in the Taipei Times that Taiwanese are basically borderline insane, and thinking of all the things wrong with it, and then I recalled the constant flow of news at the Kuomintang News Network (KNN) and its obsession with Chen Shui-bian, and realized there might be something in it:

First Ten KNN Headlines in General News at 7:00 pm today (Chen Shui-bian-related news in Green):
Political Commentator Questioned about E...
Next Magazine: Chen Chih-chung Laundered...
News Analysis: Ah-Bian’s Close Aide Ma Y...
Frank Hsieh: Ah-Bian Should Quietly Wait...
President Ma Interviewed on FTV
MOEA to Propose a Special District to At...
Lin Chuan to Appear Before Siu
Direct Cross-Strait Sea Transport to Beg...
The SIU Subpoenaed Chiou I-jen and Summo...
The KMT Caucus Proposes Heavier Punishment for Bribery
All the things happening on the island, and 6 of 10 pieces in the General News are about Chen Shui-bian, with another tangentially related. If that isn't borderline obsessive, I don't know what is. Note that of the others, two are about China relations and one on Ma -- for the last six months the KMT has basically been pushing Chen and China.

What's left out? Stories like this one that made the rounds of local environmental blogs last month:

Taipower Coal Purchasing Documents Audaciously Stolen on the Eve of Control Yuan Investigation, 12 November 2008

Taiwan's national power company, Taipower, under the leadership of the Ma Ying-jeou Administration, has been alleged to have purchased overpriced fuel coal, causing protracted overpricing of power bills to the country's consumers. Strangely enough, just as Taiwan's national governmental watchdog body, the Control Yuan, was preparing to launch an investigation, the storehouse in which Taipower keeps the files of its external purchasing contracts was burglarized. Even stranger, the only documents stolen in the burglary were the fuel coal purchase agreement documents. The peculiar circumstances of the theft have led to speculation that the burglary was aimed at making evidence disappear.

According to a report in the latest issue of Next Magazine, the Consumer's Foundation had asked the Control Yuan earlier this month to investigate concerns that continuing high power prices, despite a recent 44.65% drop in fuel costs, might indicate foul play. Although the prices of liquefied petroleum gas and fuel oil have both fallen considerably, Taipower has refused to lower power prices, which have gone up twice this year. These circumstances have led the Consumer's Foundation to suspect negligence or malfeasance by Taipower and Ministry of Economic Affairs, prompting the request for a Control Yuan investigation.

The Control Yuan member on duty the day the Control Yuan filed its request, Cheng Jen-hung, formally opened a Control Yuan case with a written recommendation for an on-site investigation. In the lead-up to the investigation, Taipower stated its case to the Control Yuan, but the Control Yuan found the explanations unsatisfactory. Just as the formal investigation was about to get underway, Taipower's document storage room was burglarized, and the document stolen was an important piece of evidence targeted in the Control Yuan investigation. The theft of the document has further fed suspicions that behind-the-scenes forces are at work in the case.

膽大妄為!監院調查前夕 台電購煤文件遭竊
2008年 11月 12日 11:32/壹蘋果網絡




  1. The most important reason that I support Obama is his determination to really make some move toward an energy-independent USA.

    It never came to me, until yesterday, that during a decade of watching Taiwan, I've never heard/seen any news regarding the energy issue.

    Certainly, many other issues critical to daily life of Taiwanese can hardly get a spotlight either.

    It seems to me that to many Taiwanese, beating up Chen Sui-bian would lead them to a better life. Nothing else matters.

  2. Michael, the "more" link doesn't seem to be working. Every time I click on it, the page refreshes, and I never end up seeing the "more".

  3. *Sigh* That kind of "accident" happens a lot back home. I just read that a guy accuse dfor corruption got a medical leave to avoid giving testimony...based on the fact that he suffers "memory problems". Yeah, right.

    Not to mention when key witnesses/activists/defendants suffer "accidents" that are never explained...

    I can see the one single vital document lying in a read envelope, with night-glow borders, a cross marking the place and and arrow pointing the way...

    I echo what TaiwanEcho says. Problem will be when Chen is really gone, what will be the next scapegoat du jour?


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