
Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Daily Bubble Tea Weds!

On Saturday I zoomed down to Chungshingshintsun in Nantou to attend the reception of the marriage of my friends Todd and Cathy. Todd is the well known proprietor of the excellent blog The Daily Bubble Tea.

After the wedding, they arrived at the restaurant.

Todd helps his new bride out of the car.

Entering the restaurant.

Cheap, but effective.

The happy couple.

Also present were Michael the Bushman and his lovely wife Hui-chen. Here they are conversing with Todd's parents. Bloggers David Reid and Mark Forman were also there.

Cathy smiles for the camera.

The banquet offered wine, unusual at a down-country wedding, where it is either Taiwan beer or the dreaded Kaoliang, bane of brain cells.

Mark Forman, the Bluesman, also joined the festivities, along with his wife and son.

Todd's brother, in the background, watches the crowd gather.

Michael and Mark discuss BBQ sauces.

Practicing English with Todd's parents.

The bride emerges.

The food. Michael K will no doubt give a complete rundown on his blog, so I will forgo the pleasure.

Mark's son Kevin, a friend of my son's.

The family listen's as Todd's father makes a short speech.

Toasting the guests.

I headed out toward Puli with David Reid of David on Formosa.

The mountains on the way are amazing.

As I said....

We turned onto Rte 136 to go back to Taichung and passed this family out to pick strawberries on a glorious December day.

Locals hard at work.

There are some amazing mountain views on this road.

...and some good opportunities for nice shots like this one, of David Reid.


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