
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Anschluss Aardvarks + Two New Videos!

This paean to our lost sovereignty comes to you courtesy of Mad Minerva. It's a beautiful day here in Kaohsiung, the sun is shining, and scarf-n-skirt clad pretty girls are everywhere in evidence. So I'll post later on the return of Chen Shui-bian to detention, and on the first trial balloons for the coming PRC-Taiwan alliance (aimed at Japan's Senkakus, of course, which the US is bound by formal treaty to defend -- but don't worry, if Taiwan is annexed to China, we'll have peace....)

UPDATED: A friend passed me links to two videos. First comes this one, Red Caution, in Chinese with Chinese subtitles, on the Chen Yunlin visit. It's hosted on the wonderful blog of Yufu, who is often seeing taking photos at political rallies. Red Terror comes from YushanTv, and looks at clashes between the police and demonstrators. UPDATE 2: Maddog flipped me the links to Red Caution w/English subtitles:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


  1. I don't get it. If historically most nations (especially China) just got hungrier when they got land that they declared their own viciously, then how come so many people still expect the "final satisfaction" if only Taiwan were given away to China?

    Is this just silly myth, the result of a CCP marketing campaign, or perhaps I'm just too stupid to see the light?

  2. just heard the news on chen shui-bian going back to jail. i'm not defending the ex-prez but the way the taiwanese courts caved to political pressure from the chinese KMT is shameful.

    it's apparent the kmt doesn't understand the rule of law.

    this is a kangaroo court.

  3. .
    Here's a spotlight article by the CBC which awkwardly tries to find both sides of the coin with respect to the current situation in Taiwan. It was full of pro-KMT/China comments, so I felt obliged to balance the opinion somewhat (STOP Harper is my Alias).

    I must say, a lot was left out as far as context is concerned in this article, but what else is new for the western media, eh?

    Falling into China's orbit

  4. Even by the standards of the last few months the events of the past few days are very worrying. Shameful thing is, to me at least, that my Taiwanese friends just don't see what is happening.

  5. "I eroded my national sovereignty and all I got were these two lousy pandas."

    WOW...this short sentence explained precisely how I felt...and I am sure a lot of people felt the same way.

  6. videorental10 said...
    it's apparent the kmt doesn't understand the rule of law.

    Oh they understand it very well. The problem is that they think the law applies only to Taiwanese, but not them.

  7. I do have to wonder what is really going on in the minds of the KMT bigwigs. Part of me thinks that many of them really see a close relationship between an independent Republic of China and a PRC to be a possibility. However, in the end, they can gain little by being the bigwigs in a Taiwan Special Administrative Region of the PRC. I wonder: Do they really see some kind of perpetual ROC/PRC deal along the lines of N/S Korea in the cards or are they really looking to just be the top guys in a new autonomous region of the PRC?

  8. Here's Red Caution with excellent English subtitles:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    Tim Maddog


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