
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Big changes!

Things may be a little unsettled for the next few days as I work out the look and feel of the blog. I had to upgrade to Blogger's new Layouts or else it wouldn't let me import the posts to another system, so I figured I may as well go whole hog. Unfortunately Blogger's clunky format won't let me do what I want; I had more freedom under the old format even if the HTML was harder to monkey with. At some point I'm switching over to Wordpress.

To make this format, I downloaded a three-column format from here and then tinkered with the HTML. Lots and lots of tinkering.

Hope you like it! Comments are welcome...


  1. I would suggest making your posts display just part of the post at first with a read more link. Your posts can get quite long and it pushes down even quite recent posts very quickly, making them much less visible and accessible.

  2. Wow! I know many of us would like to go back to the way things were in the 90's... China was there... Taiwan was here.... progressive public policy... Lee Teng hui at his most Machivellian... a booming stock market...

    and instead you give us cheesy graphics... huh!

  3. I second previous opinion. I get the impression that the page loads a lot faster than it did before.

  4.'s blogging. Cheesy graphics are what it's all about.

  5. Lovin' the green. :P

    I don't know if you've seen this one yet, but I'd love to hear what you'd have to say on this in an upcoming post:

    Was it really a leak that shouldn't have been leaked? Or was it the KMT trying to save some face within Taiwan...

  6. Looks good. Reminds that I need to update the design of my blog too, but finding a template that I like is not easy.

  7. Hey Michael. I decided to put your mug up front-and-center on my blog. I gotta admit, you look much better than I do on your

    You two make a nice couple...yikes!

    Take Care.

  8. A few more newer, 3 column, widget ready WP theme suggestions. All can be modified for large header graphic:

    1. Blue-blog is a new WP theme and I think is pretty cool. I like the tabbed box in the column to show people what are the latest posts, comments and most popular posts. demo

    2. Superfresh also has a pro look to it. I think if you combine these colors with the Blue-blog, it would look good. demo

    3. Amazing Grace is a theme I found a while ago that is similar layout to the blue-blog. The brown version I think looks good.

    4. Revolution has a cool dropdown menu built-in that is useful.

    5. FreshNews ain't a freebie, but I like this layout the best (cost $80). Maybe you can get the DPP or fapa to kick you a few $ or maybe everyone here can kick in a few NT$ and get it for you. Checkout the demo, it has drop lists, a tab box to highlight the latest posts and comments, etc. This one is the nicest I think. (with "brownie" theme color).

    6. Simplicity is also nice, but is $50. This guy writes easy, clean code.

    7. imagination nice background color + nice font choice for easy reading. columns need to be tweaked a bit wider though. (easy to do).

    If you need some theme tweaking, just let me know, glad to help.

  9. hao!

    Nice blog....I'll visit it again...


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