
Monday, June 16, 2008

Taiwan News on the Tiaoyutai "Dispute" -- UPDATED --

Taiwan News once again takes heads with a great editorial that says it ever so much better than I could. Among the highlights...

The accidental sinking of the allegedly fishing boat "Lienho" after a collusion with a Japanese Coast Guard patrol near the contested Tiaoyutai or Senkaku islets June 11 sparked a revealing test of the vow of new President Ma Ying-jeou that his restored Kuomintang government would be a "peace-maker" and not a "trouble-maker."

Reacting to the sinking with the same reckless haste as shown in rushing into negotiations with the authoritarian People's Republic of China, Ma and Premier Liu Chao-shiuan and other KMT Cabinet officials have engaged in a flurry of self-contradictory actions that have unnecessarily inflamed instead of cooling a crisis and have harmed Taiwan's diplomatic interest and image.

Instead of investigate what actually happened off the Tiaoyutai islets and considering why this incident took place just as Taiwan and PRC negotiations were resuming in Beijing, Ma rushed to trumpet his government's resolve to defend Taiwan's claimed sovereignty over Tiaoyutai while Foreign Minister Francisco Ou lectured Japan's semi-official representative in Taipei and demanded compensation for the "loss" suffered by "Lienho" captain Ho Hung-yi.

Moreover, Premier Liu stated Friday that he would "not exclude war" as an option in the dispute with Tokyo over the uninhabited islets in the East Sea, only to retract this careless statement hours later.

Taiwan News adds:

In our view, Ma's government's "loose cannon" behavior neglected numerous aspects of the incident and displayed an attitude out of keeping with international practice in resolving such disputes.

First, it should be noted that, even though Taiwan's own marine regulations ban recreational fishing vessels from travelling more than 24 nautical miles away from their port or staying out for over more than 48 hours, the site where the "Lienho" encountered the JCG patrol boat was no less than 140 nautical miles from Keelung.

Instead of being lionized, "Lienho" Captain Ho Hung-yi could have more properly treated with an indictment for deliberating flouting Taiwan's own marine safety regulations and for reckless endangerment of his craft and passengers.

Second, with regard to the Tiaoyutai issue, the accepted custom in international society in handling territorial disputes is to provisionally maintain the status quo until the time is ripe for the diplomatic or legal resolution and to absolutely prohibit the use of force.

Indeed, Tokyo and Taipei have already agreed to prohibit recreational fishing within 12 nautical miles of Tiaoyutai or in the delineated no-fishing zone in which fishing boats from either Taiwan or Japan are prohibited from engaging in fishing operations, an agreement with the "Lienho" transgressed.

In other words, Ma & Co. are displaying a bombastic lack of sophistication that forcibly reminds one of Beijing thirty years ago. While China and Japan already have mapped out a fishing agreement for disputed areas, showing maturity, Taipei simply ignores the agreements it has with Japan.

It's worth saying again: the ship's captain is not a hero. His behavior resulted in a collision, he was in violation of the 24 mile rule for recreational fishing boats, and he violated an existing agreement on fishing boundaries. He should be indicted, and have his license revoked. He won't be, but it would be a nice precedent if he were. This is exactly the kind of unlicensed uncivil self-centered behavior we see all the time in Taiwan society, from illegal planting of betel and bamboo on restricted slopeland, to illegal harvesting of coral (in post below), to illegal parking and illegal trash burning. Only here its consequences are more than purely local.

But Taiwan News has the kicker:

We have difficulty in understanding why Ma is so eager to "set aside the sovereignty dispute" with a PRC regime that threatens Taiwan's existence but is unwilling to "set aside" a dispute over the Tiaoyutai islets with a friendly northern neighbor.

Let's hear it again about how sophisticated the KMT is compared to the DPP. Can anyone say "Diaoyutai"?

: The China Post is a crack up:

Taiwanese widely believe the incident was the result of a deliberate act of the Japanese vessel to sink the Lien Ho.

While condemning what they call was Japan's outrageous act, the scholars nevertheless must still be rational and cautious in handling controversy.

Do Taiwanese "widely believe" that the Japanese did it on purpose? ROFL. The "scholars" in the article then go on to discuss whether the nation should be ready to go to war. What is this -- the 15th century?

If they want a deliberate conspiracy, they should look closer to home: a Taiwanese fishing boat in violation of laws requiring it stay within 24 miles of home, nevertheless illegally fishes in an area known to be patrolled by Japanese craft, and then has a collision with a military vessel in which it turns in front of that vessel. And this event, perfect for nationalistic blowing up, happens just as important talks with China in which the nation's sovereignty is damaged. Oh yeah, the boat's name? Lian Ho, which could be translated as "united" or "unity." Now that's a conspiracy.

But of course, from my perspective, it looks like a fishing boat engaging in illicit (read: normal) behavior and panicking as the police showed up. Pretty much par for the course, no conspiracy required.

Maddog flipped me the links to Youtube videos here and here, both from CTI, the televised arm of the China Times, the pro-KMT newspaper.

UPDATE II: A friend flipped me this bit from the Kuomintang News Network (KNN):

In the early morning of June 16, Huang Hsi-ling, executive director of the Tiaoyutai Isles Defense League, led a 12-member group to sail towards the Tiaoyutai Isles under the protection of five ROC National Coast Guard cutters. Ignoring the obstruction of two Japanese frigates, the fleet entered waters roughly 0.4 miles off the Tiaoyutai Isles.

The Japanese Coast Guard also sent 8 frigates to surround the Taiwanese fleet. The civilian group from Taiwan had intended to climb onto Tiaoyutai Island, but the sea conditions rendered such a move too dangerous. The fleet reasserted sovereignty of the Republic of China over the Tiaoyutai Isles by sailing around it once, and then the fleet returned back to Taiwan. The entire event was completed without incident because both sides exercised self-restraint.

The ROC Coast Guard Administration also ordered that another 10 cutters and frigates standby to follow the fleet protecting the 12-member group to reassert ROC sovereignty over the Tiaoyutai Isles.

Let's hear those words of Ma Ying-jeou in his inaugural address one more time:

At the same time, we are committed to cross-strait peace and regional stability. The Republic of China must restore its reputation in the international community as a peace-maker.

It's a good thing they are committed to regional stability, eh?


  1. I swear this is too similar to the dispute in the 1970's and it is being sold to the public the same way.

    1970's: US signals change in recognition to Beijing (Sovereignty issue)
    Now: KMT signs deal with Beijing (Sovereignty Issue)
    1970's: Taiwan's economy plummets due to oil issues
    Now: Taiwan's economy...

    Diaoyutai's were MADE an issue by the KMT to raise national sentiments and divert attention away from problems in both instances. In the 1970's the KMT organized and supported the protesters... Today... hmmmm

  2. Moreover, Premier Liu stated Friday that he would "not exclude war" as an option in the dispute with Tokyo over the uninhabited islets in the East Sea, only to retract this careless statement hours later.

    Go watch the news footage on any news or go read the transcript of the session you like...the legislator is asking the Primer if the government is ready for war, and he answered that "the war is always the last resort..." Only an idiot will say NO; we will not go to war with Japan no matter what! Oh wait, I forgot some of you are Chinese challenged. However, I do have to say this is a better opinion piece from Taiwan News, but reading too much other stuffs could still be bad for your health.

  3. In today's Apple newspaper there are several photos of flag waving protester's on the fishing boat wearing their KMT clown suits. (vests with their names on them). Its looks like a floating KMT rally.

    As VIN stated in another post, Why now? Doesn't the president have more important things to deal with like the economy. :)

  4. Arty, the premier should have ridiculed the question of war and never mentioned that word. The question was set-up intended to provide atmosphere for the dramatic events taking place even as we speak.


  5. Thanks for this. I've been wondering what went on here. I mean, how the hell do two boats "collide" in the middle of the open sea with no-one else around?
    The only possible explanation is that they were having some kind of a confrontation, and are the Japanese really stupid enough to do that? I can only imagine this Ho guy was out there doing something provocative.
    It's a depressing thought, though, isn't it? Who in the KMT hierarchy thought it would be nice to risk the life of a sailor in order to make a splash and cosy up to China? It's pretty hard to believe, and yet, by the Sherlock Holmes method, once we've eliminated the impossible...

  6. Actually, collisions on the open sea on a clear day between two widely separated boats are quite common. There's a good analysis of sea collisions in Perrow's _Normal Accidents_, one of the great works on risk and accidents.

    In fact the description of the incident is right out of his book.


  7. Ideologues in Taiwan no doubt are using this incident to whip up anti-Japanese sentiment.

    However, Japan has been very flat-footed in its response also. They fucking sunk a ship, told Taiwan's coast guard to go away, and waited an hour before rescuing them. Then they did absolutely nothing conciliatory until yesterday and today, a week after the incident already happened. Retarded.

    And why the fuck is ' "loss" ' in scare quotes? This guy broke the law trying to make a living, but really, he wasn't doing really harming anyone else. He did the international equivalent of double parking in a fire lane on the high seas. His boat is tiny. He's poor as fuck. He wasn't commercial fishing. He wasn't smuggling. Yes, he's not a hero. Yes, he's being used politically, esp. by the Blues, who want to take the limelight off of oh, um... everything. But you honestly don't have empathy for this guy? Do you know how many people are scrapping by in Taiwan making doing stuff that is marginally legal?

    These guys violated Taiwanese law, but would the Taiwanese coast guard have rammed them?

    What I blame Ma most about this incident is for not being a leader and even till now, STILL HAS SAID NOTHING about this incident. Can you believe that?

    Ma isn't being ham-fisted. He's not responding at all, and I believe that's part of the source of the incompetent way in which everyone else is responding.

    I do believe that Taiwanese fishing boats regularly break quotas, but they are regularly taken advantage of by Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, just about everywhere. Japan has been actively reducing Taiwan's fishing quotas in international organizations, taking full advantage of the fact that Taiwan is very weak internationally and doesn't even get participation in most organizations.

    Anyways, my basic point is--Ma and his administration have enough incompetence and problems that you don't need to be attacking this boat captain in order to attack Ma. What country can stand by and watch one of its citizens get treated like this?

    He was forced to sign a confession in Japanese, was held for several days, was not allowed representation, the Taiwanese coast guard was nearby, but the Japanese somehow told the Taiwanese foreign ministry to recall the boat... the whole thing is so over-the-top that the Taiwanese response really in some ways, while incompetent, I would not say is entirely uncalled for.

    This is getting long, but just as another example. In the US, we believe even dirt-bag drug dealers have rights. Even if that was the case here, and as I've stated, I don't necessarily agree that it's all that clear what he did was all that wrong, the response by the Japanese coast guard was entirely unwarranted and provocative.

  8. Ah, I'm the anon from the previous comment and just had an epiphany.

    Anyone remember the Hainan Island incident, where the recon plane from the US looking for Chinese missile sites collided with a Chinese fighter jet?

    I think there are a lot of lessons to be learned from that incident. The Chinese fighter jet crashed because they couldn't actually try to crash or fire on the recon jet, which would be an act of war. All it could do to get the US to go away is to do fly-bys and scare them away. The Japanese are using the same exact strategy with the Diaoyu's. They very purposefully coming very close to the boats that enter the zone to scare them, and the particular maneuver they tried to do with the fishing boat was to leave a big wake that would upset the fishing boat. They completely miscalculated and crashed into the boat instead.

    Anyways, I'm not going to draw conclusions, but it wasn't some kind of haphazard crash. It was an attempt to "buzz" the fishing boat that went entirely wrong. And the completely lack of apology until these two days is ridiculous.

  9. Anyways, I'm not going to draw conclusions, ...

    The Japanese are using the same exact strategy with the Diaoyu's

    I'm so glad this person didn't come to any conclusions!

  10. I have heard from some in the intel community that in the Hainan incident...shots were fired by Wang Shuo, the Chinese pilot.

  11. Whoops! Wang... what's his name... I cited the author instead..haha!!

  12. Only an idiot will say NO

    Only an idiot would hint at war with a nuclear superpower over a minor incident -- a war which would probably lead to a much wider and dreadful conflict.

    But I agree with those who say this is a distraction to keep people from thinking about the economy and the floods in the south.

  13. *
    Speaking of crack-ups, I liked the Post's description of Ma as "a former Tiaoyutai warrior."

    Heh. For a split-second there, I had this image of a shoeless, bare-chested Ma dressed in aboriginal head-hunter garb, with Japanese scalps hanging from his belt.

    Guess that'd make him "Big Chief Shooting Bull".

    (Though if you're one of his friends on a butt-kissing tour of China, you can just call him "Mister".)

  14. Once again, Japan is the victim in this unfortunate misunderstanding.

    Now would be a good time for the US to activate the backdoor kill switches the US planted in the weapons it sold to Taiwan.

  15. Re question from Anon:

    "What country can stand by and watch one of its citizens get treated like this?"

    Answer: Taiwan

    Not surprising since previously the Taiwanese "volunteered" its women to serve Japanese soldiers sexually.

  16. Sorry to bother you Michael, but your link to the Taiwan News editorial doesn't seem to be working.

  17. Where has Ma been during all of this? Too busy trying to get the pandas over to Taiwan?

  18. Re: TaiwanNews, I think they have some trouble with Firefox. My system freezes every time I try to read something on their site.

    (Note, I am using the Firefox V3.)

  19. Learn something new every day. Thanks, Michael, for saving my from early-onset conspiracy theory disease! I'm still a bit skeptical, but feeling much saner now :)

  20. Only an idiot would hint at war with a nuclear superpower over a minor incident

    Last time I checked, Japan has ZERO nuclear weapon. I repeat ZERO! I believe it will take a constitutional amendment for Japan to have one. Of course, by today's nuclear proliferation rules, China could bomb the hack out of Japan if she ever dear to build one using the nuclear materials she brought from France to build a single warhead. Who is the idiot again?

  21. Whoa, it turns out that the boat was hit not once, but twice! This is huge news. One time would be an accident. Hitting once and coming back to ram a second time is very clearly purposeful. This then begs the question, is this Japanese policy? If so, this is sort of crazy on the Japanese side.

    Anyways, I hate the whole Chinese-ideologue thing hanging over this whole incident. It prevents rational discussion on this issue.

  22. For Taiwan News articles, it's always best to link to a cached page. Here's a working link for those of you who got "error: invalid news id or rss file path."

    Tim Maddog

  23. Was the boat even rammed?


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