
Saturday, April 05, 2008

US Awakens, Finds Coffee Aromatic?

The Taipei Times headline says it all: US wary of warmer Taiwan-China ties. Charles Synder in Washington tells the tale:

Some US officials fear that under Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) presidency, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) might swing far enough toward China that it could affect US interests in Taiwan and damage US interests in the region, a new congressional report indicates.

This, despite the fact that Ma has said he will place a high priority on repairing strained Taiwan-US ties that accompanied President Chen Shui-bian’s ( 陳水扁) last few years in the presidency, the report, an internal memo to congressmen from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) says.

The report, dated Wednesday, analyzes last month’s presidential election and Ma’s landslide victory and its likely impact on Taiwan’s domestic situation and relations with Washington and Beijing.

Based on conversations with US officials while the author, Kerry Dumbaugh, was in Taiwan to observe the election and other sources, the report says: “Some observers in the past have expressed concern that the United States may have underestimated the importance of the sea change in KMT thinking that arose from the visits to the PRC by senior KMT officials beginning in 2005.”

I've been saying that Ma is going to hurt US security interests, as have conservatives who are China hawks -- but the report focuses less on this issue than the Taipei Times lead would have you believe. The summary:

In a large turnout on March 22, 2008, voters in Taiwan elected as president Mr. Ma Ying-jeou of the Nationalist (KMT) Party. Mr. Ma out-polled rival candidate Frank Hsieh, of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), by a 2.2 million vote margin of 58% to 42%. Coming on the heels of the KMT’s sweeping victory in January’s legislative elections, the result appears to be a further repudiation of DPP leader and Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian’s eight-year record of emphasizing a pro-independence political agenda at the expense of economic issues. President-elect Ma,who will begin his tenure on May 20, 2008, has promised to improve Taiwan’s economic performance, to improve Taiwan’s damaged relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and to address any annoyances in Taiwan-U.S. relations arising from the Chen Administration. This report will not be updated.

You can see that Dumbaugh's construction of the election simply echoes the KMT line: Chen "emphasized independence at the expense of economics" which is nothing more than a KMT talking point. Further down, in the key paragraphs at the end on the implications of the election for the US, Dumbaugh says:

For U.S. Relations. U.S. officials say they have had strong ties with Taiwan’s DPP government and had developed a considerable network of working economic and military ties with Taiwan under President Chen. But such problems of trust had developed between President Chen himself and U.S. officials that many believe the bilateral atmosphere can onlyimprove under the new KMT leadership. President-elect Ma has said he will place a high priority on repairing any residual difficulties in Taiwan’s relations with the United States. Still, some observers in the past have expressed concern that the United States may have underestimated the importance of the sea change in KMT thinking that arose from the visits to the PRC by senior KMT officials beginning in 2005.

Those visits, according to this view, may have given pro-China interests in the KMT a new, alternate vision for Taiwan’s future. If this concern is founded, one consequence could be the growing inurement of the KMT to U.S. pressure or interests. For instance, Taiwan could resist U.S. pressure that it increase military spending on the grounds that such expenditures are too high, too confrontational, and maybe unnecessary in light of potential improvements in cross-strait interactions. Some worry then that the KMT, driven in large part by economic imperatives and pressures from the Taiwan business community, could reach an accommodation with Beijing that ultimately may damage U.S. regional interests.

Note the lead sentence that says Ma may place a high priority on relations with the US -- with the implication that what follows contradicts that position. But if Ma and his handlers really intend to shift Taiwan into Beijing's orbit (no shit, sherlock! Goes without saying) then of course they must place a high priority on upgrading US relations -- Uncle Sam will need to be bamboozled and placated while having the rug pulled out from under him. Hence, ascendancy of a pro-Beijing policy entails warmer relations with the US, if things are run smartly. The report leaves out any mention of the Bush Administration's role in screwing up US-Taiwan relations.

However, it is important to note that this is just a couple of paragraphs in a report of a dozen pages. The majority of report discusses the challenges facing Ma (no mention of Ma's past ideological positions is made, and longtime Ma watchers here will richly enjoy Dumbaugh's assertion that Ma has "a reputation for thoughtful conciliation"), along with the implications of the election for the DPP and the KMT, implications for the PRC, and its possible reactions. Of the last, Dumbaugh notes:

Despite the challenges that Ma faces, many believe that the election results have placed the real burden for an improved Taiwan-PRC situation squarely on Beijing. According to some observers, the Taiwan electorate’s choice of Ma and rejection of the two referenda to which Beijing objected are seen as a first step toward cross-strait improvements. Having railed against President Chen for eight years while wooing the KMT, the PRC now will have to follow through with creative initiatives with the Ma regime if it is to capitalize on the election results. The opportunitywould appear to be too good to miss. Rebuffing a new and more conciliatory Taiwan government could damage the PRC’s credibility that it wishes to pursue a peaceful and constructive solution for cross-strait ties. Any perceived PRC reluctance also could serve to revitalize U.S. and congressional opposition to the PRC’s Taiwan policy — opposition which has remained muted in recent years in part because of mutual U.S.-PRC problems with Chen.

Observers suggest there are a number of options now for Beijing to make a meaningful gesture toward Taiwan that would not impinge on PRC sovereignty claims. These could include a willingness to invite (or to be willing to discuss inviting) Taiwan to be a “meaningful participant” in the World Health Organization (WHO); an invitation to restart cross-strait talks on a mutually acceptable basis; a halt to petulant posturing against Taiwan in APEC and other multilateral organizations; or asuspension of Taiwan-focused military exercises and other military maneuvers in the strait, among other acts. In the wake of the election, PRC Premier Wen Jiabao has expressed hope that cross-strait talks can resume quickly on the basis of the “1992 consensus.”

Unfortunately, past experience demonstrates that the PRC often is unable to adopt creative and flexible policy initiatives at times of great tension — as is currently the case with the crackdown against demonstrations in Tibet — or when there is intense pressure to be seen to be successful — as there is now in the months leading up to the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. In addition, some have suggested that Beijing remains concerned about potential controversies that could arise during the remainder of President Chen’s term, before Ma takes office on May 20, 2008. For these reasons, many feel that, at least in the short term, Beijing may be unable to make an important overture to the incoming Taiwan regime.

The report looks at several possibilities, but it is good to see a significant departure from the Establishment position that Ma will somehow be safely constrained in his relationship with Beijing by Taiwan's divided society. He won't be. The main constraints on Ma are more likely to be the structural weaknesses of the President's position, and the greater power of legislature, as well as the differing views with the KMT itself -- and the attitude of the US and the other regional powers.

READ AT YOUR OWN RISK: Chat discussion between Taiwan, the US, and China on nuclear fuse issue.


  1. If the KMT can keep up weapons purchases to slow the military imbalance slightly and keep from pressuring Ma to go any further than the 1992 consensus (things that are by no means assured), things many not be so bad. The PRC will really have to show it can be flexible in the future. I agree with the author of this piece that flexibility is not their strong point.

  2. In my opinion, the danger of Ma's affinity to China is not political. As the president-elect of a soveignty country, rushing to close tie with China will only downgrade his power. It will hurt pro-blue's benefits as well. These people won't do things like that to sacrify their gains.

    Instead, the danger lies in the invisible closing gap between cultures/societies across Taiwan Straits. Ma and his camp have no sense of national security when facing China. So their management will not take that into account.

    After the society is sinolized to a point of no return, the political unification will come naturally.

  3. I knew US Government is stupid, but it shocks me about how stupid it really is. What are they thinking? Pushing Taiwan to China and repent later?

    No wonder it made a big mess in Iraq.

  4. Ma went to worship Chiang Kaishek and Chiang Jingkuo. Not much English media coverage.

  5. Why should Taiwan needs to continue to purchase weapons when all of us consciously know that a war with China will be over in a day. Forget about hostility, forget about Taiwan taking for ride as playground by the US/Japan against China. All we need to do is to stay neutral, work jointly with all nations including PRC for the well being of the people in Taiwan.

  6. "a war with China will be over in a day"

    Nothing bounds the US to defend Taiwan militarily. China is also fast becoming a well-armed country as well. Your comment is naive at best.

  7. Why should Taiwan needs to continue to purchase weapons when all of us consciously know that a war with China will be over in a day.

    If it was that easy Beijing would have invaded ages ago. This isn't a regime known for acting out of the kindness of their hearts, or any significant concern for their international image (see: Tibet, dissidents).

    All we need to do is to stay neutral, work jointly with all nations including PRC for the well being of the people in Taiwan.

    "Staying neutral" is kind of difficult when one party demands nothing less than your complete capitulation. It would make about as much sense as Poland declaring neutrality vs. Germany in 1939 after being invaded by that country.

    Sometimes it is necessary to stand up for your rights. Unless of course you don't believe your country, be it Taiwan or the ROC is worth defending. In which case I'm sure the PRC will be glad to have someone as docile and accommodating as you.

  8. I think his point was that a war with mainland China would be over in a day, with the PRC flag flying over Taiwan at the end of that day.

  9. "I think his point was that a war with mainland China would be over in a day, with the PRC flag flying over Taiwan at the end of that day."

    You may be right. Although history has many many examples of a lesser armed country winning against one that was supposed to be the sure winner. If Taiwan buys the right type of arms, that threat still exists for Beijing, and any threat of failure is exactly what will keep Beijing from attacking.

    If Taiwan buys no arms, then the island will be defenseless. Then the war WOULD be over in a day. So it makes more sense to buy the arms to maintain some form of deterrant. Either way, Channing, his comment is naive.

  10. War is not fought by mighty forces and soldiers alone. Resources such as oil reserves are crucial. At last estimate, China would last less than 5 weeks in a conflict. So, over in a day is an exaggeration to make a point. Over in a month is more like it!

  11. Why should Taiwan needs to continue to purchase weapons when all of us consciously know that a war with China will be over in a day. Forget about hostility, forget about Taiwan taking for ride as playground by the US/Japan against China. All we need to do is to stay neutral, work jointly with all nations including PRC for the well being of the people in Taiwan.

    Good to see that Annette Lu's Hello Kitty approach
    to foreign policy was not wasted on everybody....


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