
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Daily Links, Dec 22, 2007

I enlarged it a little, but here is a wonderful bit of progress on The Beautiful Isle: installed wind capacity on the rise (from the latest issue of the Taiwan Journal).

JOB SEARCH: A bit of personal news: given the recent events at our university, I have decided to look into warmer pastures down south. If anyone in Kaohsiung knows of a full-time university position in an AFL department for a Chinese-speaking foreigner, I'm interested in it.

What's out there on the blogs this week?

  • ROC the Boat points to a fine article on China's military build-up and also has a great report on the Heritage meeting on the UN referendum.

  • A-gu has another good post on the two-step referendum ballot. A-gu also rubbishes Ma Ying-jeou's hilarious and insulting claim to have been on the KMT blacklist and shows that Ma really does plan to sell out the island.

  • Formosa Neijia on the mafia presence in local martial arts and its sad results.

  • Johnny Z on the Hai An Road Temple celebrations. With pics. Fili on the same.

  • Scott discusses the survey on salaries for university students.

  • Taiwan Matters on the former government official who threatened Chen Shui-bian being released on bail.

  • Talking Taiwanese on bilingualism and diglossia in Taiwan.

  • The lovely Adelita reviews a veg restaurant in Taipei with some nice pics.

  • The Foreigner puts Taiwan's corruption in perspective.

  • Save the humpback dolphin blogs on the world's dirtiest power plant at WuChi in Taichung. I must have moved here for the reassuring familiarity: I used to live in Indiana, Pa, near two of the largest and most polluting power plants in the US, one built right atop a coal mine.

  • MEDIA: The CFR has a roundtable on the falling dollar. Nobel Laureate Lee laments Taiwan's lack of a sci-tech ministry. Despite KMT fables that our economy is failing, exports shot up 17% last month. Our industrial output is also up 11% on the year. Even as Condoleeza Rice was crapping on Taiwan's head, Sec of Defense Robert Gates was criticizing China's explanation for the Kitty Hawk affair as "specious" -- and that as our policy of engagement with China scored another success as China inked a major energy pact with Iran, totally undercutting Bush Administration policy there. I'm looking forward to the sequel to Memento, which I understand will be about US China policy.....


    1. Really? I had no idea that the most polluting power plants are in Indiana, PA...are they the ones with the huge smokestacks outside...near Trim Tree?

      I go to IUP (the world is a small place, but I guess more so since it is the Internet, 哈哈), so it must not be great for my health

    2. One is in Homer City, and I forgot where the other one was, I think it is on the drive S to Pittsburgh. When I was in college at IUP they were among the ten worst in the US, as I recall.

      I did my BA at IUP, 1981-1996. My father is emeritus there, in Special ed. I think he still teaches the grad research methods course.


    3. 1981-1996?! That's gotta be a record... ;)

    4. why Kaohsiung? Why not Tainan or even Taidong?

    5. fns, I think the record was 19 years...I can't remember where I read it, but someone had taken every course of his interest in a large variety of departments.

      哈哈...but Michael could be going for a record!

    6. very interesting

      I"ll come back

    7. Although not related to Taiwan, I found this article to be interesting, especially the follow up comments. (found on

      Yale Professor Criticizes Wide Spread Plagiarism at Peking University


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