
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chaoyang Foreigners in the News Again

The China Times had another piece on another foreigner at my university today. Again, it isn't me.

The foreign teacher, 王馬克 (I'm 麥哲恩) was the subject of an investigation over the summer for the sexual harassment charges, as the paper correctly reports. The investigation process (which I had no part in, or contact with) was, from my outsider's perspective, bending over backwards to be fair, extremely thorough, and came to conclusions I felt were substantially correct. The second paragraph notes that it was an old case that frustrated the school because the students, though they discussed that teacher's alleged behavior amongst themselves and with other teachers, including me, none would file a formal case. It's hard to understand, but in Taiwan the System is almost never proactive -- it is administrative in nature, and won't move until a case is opened by someone affected. That is true whether one is discussing the police or education.

From the standpoint of truth-value, the two cases could not be more opposite. The case I blogged on the other day (referenced above as 爆發外籍教師) is utterly exaggerated, but this one is pretty much correct, at least from my perspective. Note the underlying cultural prejudices hard at work: the intersection of sex and foreigners is just too much to resist. They're rogering our women! is a clarion call in every culture.....

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the other foreign teacher in trouble is not Nicolas, I met him several times at some rather small "conferences"(attended mostly by people in those schools); he is a strange person; his papers are plainly weird; but he seems to be a nice guy.


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