
Monday, July 23, 2007

We're Number Two!

The long-dreaded moment has come true:

A 1,680ft skyscraper has become the tallest building in the world, according to developers.

The Burj Dubai is expected to be finished by the end of 2008 and its planned final height has been kept secret.

But it has already started to edge ahead of the 1,667ft Taipei 101 in Taiwan, the tallest building since 2004.

The state-owned development company Emaar Properties said the tower would stop somewhere above 2,275ft.


  1. pfft. a lot more regular, everyday tourist people are going to come to Taiwan and visit Taipei 101 than are ever going to see Dubai.

  2. I think it's only official when the building is completed and officially opened.

  3. I just wonder how the visa things compare between Taipei and Dubai..... that may prove things to be harder to judge.

  4. I'm not interesting in seeing the Burj Dubai. If I happen to go there, well then, wonderful...

    What I am excited about going to see, if I had the time, etc. would be going to see the El Burj, which is to be built very close to the Burj Dubai. I think they are still working on it, as well...? Anyway, El Burj is intended to be two hundred floors/stories high. And It isn't wiry and thin at the top like the Burj Dubai is. I mean, technically, if you thought like that, Toronto's CN tower could have been considered the tallest for some time...but whoopee. No, El Burj will be just crazy. I've mentioned it specifically in two posts on my blog. To me that is like saying, hey, Babel, we've arrived again.


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