
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Cadet Sex Update

Last week I blogged on the tale of the Cadet Who Was Set Up by Sex. Such set-ups are routine here (anyone remember Chung Cheng-mo?). The postscript to the case is, of course, that the cadet was cleared of wrongdoing after the investigation.

A U.S. Military Academy cadet who was briefly investigated for possible sexual impropriety while studying in Taiwan has been exonerated by that country's military, according to news reports.

Taiwan's Central News Agency reported late last week that the cadet, who was on a three-week exchange program at the Republic of China Military Academy, did nothing wrong during a late-night encounter with a local woman.

The meeting between the woman and the West Point cadet was reportedly arranged by a cadet at the Taiwan military academy.

Taipei Times, an English-language daily, said the Army Command Headquarters has determined "the West Point cadet did not force the woman to do anything she did not want to do. As a result, we are of the opinion that the West Point cadet did nothing illegal."

A State Department official in Washington did not have any comment on the findings.

See why she didn't claim he raped her? That would have been a legal violation which might have had serious repercussions. And here's a bet: this woman will make the news again in a completely different but equally silly/bizarre context.


  1. I don't think Arty will be convinced the woman was anything but a poor, helpless lassie ravaged by a randy, drunken Yank lout.
    John McK.

  2. As I understand it, the woman was introduced to the US cadet by a cadet from the Taiwanese academy. I was wondering if that is a sideline of the academy, procuring women, or maybe they have a pimping 101 class. I don't know the details of what happened to who after the smoke cleared but it's too bad if no one went after the taiwanese cadet since he made the introduction. I wonder how those in attendance at the Taiwanese Military academy and their families would feel if the school got a rep of being a bunch of pimps.

  3. John Mck,

    Na, it is another potential criminal case judged by media. And John, Chinese/Taiwanese may believe that Americans are not sexist. However, I personally believe that European culture are way more sexist than Chinese/Taiwanes culutre. Just look at the two languages.

    Also, if you get a job in any place in America today. After hiring, you will be sent to classe for sexual harrasement training for at least half a day. Do you know this case is one of the situation to avoid?

    In addition, physically women are generally weaker. Unless you want to argue about this, too. We are equal in rights but we definitely are different in many aspects. Unless you are tell me that you can carry a baby, John.

  4. Arty, you are amazing mate!

    European culture is more sexist than Chinese culture? Like those poor European girls who were crippled by having their feet mutilated? Hang on a sec...that was Chinese culture that practiced foot binding, wasn't it?

    And isn't sexual harassment training a positive reaction to a serious problem? If you think Chinese/Taiwanese companies don't do this because the problem doesn't exist in Asia, you must be one clueless twit then.

    Yes, Arty, yon lassies are physically weaker than the lads. So? They still have to accept their responsibility for what they do after a few pints at the local pub, mate.

  5. Arty,
    If you speak to any Taiwanese woman, you will know that sexism and sexual harassment are alive and well and thriving in Taiwan. As anonymous says, the fact that companies in Europe (and in the US) have their new employees attend seminars on the issue of sexual harassment shows that they're taking the problem seriously. Taiwanese companies don't have such seminars not because the problem doesn't exist, but because they either choose to ignore it, or to not take it seriously enough in the first place.

  6. European culture is more sexist than Chinese culture? Like those poor European girls who were crippled by having their feet mutilated? Hang on a sec...that was Chinese culture that practiced foot binding, wasn't it?

    How long ago was that, is foot binding still in practice? How about why we still praticing wearing high heel that is also damage female's feet except it is a Western invention. I can give you several real examples in the US that shows how sexist Americans still are. Let me see, several Morman secs still pratice polygamy and birth control is strictly prohibited (number in hundreds of thousand). Although polygamy is illegal in the US, they are rarely prosecuted. We never have a female president or vice president (wow, even taiwan has one). We just outlawed late term abortion even under the condition that will kill both the mother and the child (the lawsuit was over and it was found consitutional). Women airforce pilots are not allowed to fly combat mission even though they have shown equal or better piloting skills than the male counter parts. If you go to golf clubs, some golf clubs has lounges only for men not women especially the private one. Or for the best entertainment, go read the unauthorized biography of Hillary Clinton; you will realize how the conservatives are trying to play the female card against Hillary.

    And isn't sexual harassment training a positive reaction to a serious problem? If you think Chinese/Taiwanese companies don't do this because the problem doesn't exist in Asia, you must be one clueless twit then.

    The reason we do it in the US is simple. Several successful lawsuits have cost millions of dollars for some companies. I have never implied the problem doesn't exist in Asia. Actually, I think the awareness is worse in Asia.

    Yes, Arty, yon lassies are physically weaker than the lads. So? They still have to accept their responsibility for what they do after a few pints at the local pub, mate.

    Sure, I am all for personal responsiblity, and let hope no one I know or you know ever end up in situation like that.


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