
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Great New Political Blog

A friend flipped me a link to this great new blog on politics from Taiwan:

That's impossible: Politics from Taiwan
不可能的事情: 從台灣看全球的政治

A sample:

  • Some agreements have been made on who will stand for election where. Current legislator Yu Jan-daw (余政道) will stand for an at large seat to avoid conflict with former minister Yu Cheng-hsien (余政憲), who will go for Kaohsiung County, Dist. 2. Further, legislator Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲) will go for Kaohsiung City, Dist. 1. The KMT has not yet come to any conclusions on who will stand for what seats.
  • For those districts that can't be arranged by concensus, the DPP hopes to let party member votes count for 30% while public opinion polls taken by the party will count for 70% of the decision. The DPP also hopes to have some hot babes run in districts that look like they'll be hard.
  • DPP legislators are fighting to be on the list for the first 12 at large seats, since they figure they can win at least that many at large seats. Contenders include Chai Trong-rong (蔡同榮), (王幸男) , Wang Sing-nan, Hsu Rong-shu (許榮淑), Hong Chi-chang (洪奇昌) , Tien Chiu-chin (田秋堇), Hsueh Ling (薛凌), Gao Jyh-peng (高志鵬), Shen Fu-hsiung (沈富雄), Tsai Huang-liang ( 煌瑯), and Alice Chiu (邱議瑩). Legislators have denied that 3 seats have already been promised to Chai Trong-rong 蔡同榮, Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) and Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘).
  • The DPP has said they would like to coordinate nominations with the TSU. One unnamed legislatore gave the example of not nominating someone for the Taipei County's 5th district, giving it to TSU legislator Liao Pen-yen (廖本煙), but said the pre-condition was to see if they would step back from other Taipei County seats.

Looking forward to reading this every day...


  1. Michael,
    I went to the Brookings Institute talk on 228 this afternoon. The weather was 55 degrees with a 50 mile gust wind. Yea, I was almost blown off of the street, but I prevailed! I made it to the talk, and got you handouts and a book (both were free). Is there a place where I could send the package to you?

  2. Wow! That's very kind of you! Thanks a ton! Please send them to

    Michael Turton
    AFL Dept
    Chaoyang University
    168 Gifeng E. Rd
    Wufeng, Taichung 413

  3. <<<<<<
    I went to the Brookings Institute talk on 228 this afternoon.

    Can you say something about the talk, and what subjects were covered?

    Thank you.

  4. Michael,

    Thanks for linking to my blog here. I'm very glad you liked what you saw. Let me direct link to a few older posts on legislative seats:

    Analysis on new districts 選區劃分分析
    Seats: 24 Green , 28 Blue, 21 in the air 選區劃分
    Legislative Elections '07 update


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