
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My dog again

We've definitely decided on a home security system. A dog of ours was attacked again yesterday. Someone tried to cut off its claw, scraping away the skin on the first blow, and slicing across the top on the second. The animal is a mix, mostly wolfhound, patient, loving, and very friendly. This is the latest in the torments he has suffered -- the neighbor's boys nail him all the time with pellet guns, waiting for him to get close, then shooting him in the eye. From time to time we come home and find him with a swollen eye. Last year, of course, somebody dosed another of our dogs with acid or lye.

The scary part is that the a$$hole did this during the day, when my wife and kids were home. It had to have been a neighbor.

I have to stop writing now, as I am too pissed to discuss this rationally.


  1. Electric fencing may be cost-effective. Of course, a shotgun might be, too.

    Sick f**ks.

  2. 1. pls "do" report this to the police. there is a law against animal abuse. you may also ask the police to check out the footage in the nearby security camera, if there's any in your neighborhood.

    2. you may consider set up your own security camera so you can catch these bastards.

    good luck.

  3. who the hell did that to that lil cute animal!!!! kill'em!!!

  4. What would compel people to harass and attack your dog like that? Does your dog bark all night long?

  5. Is there any way that you can legally KILL the idiots responsible for this? I think the government would let you get away with it because anyone that would do such a thing to a small, defenseless, animal would deserve to die - BUT, if it is possible, try to leave the dog with someone that you can trust over there. I went to Taipei two years ago, and all the people I came in contact with were nice. FIND 'EM and BEAT THE LIVING BEJEEZUS OUT OF 'EM!

  6. I gotta ask, does your dog bark when you're out? It isn't right to cut your dog like that, but the barking victims do get desperate.

  7. The dog does bark, but only at other dogs, never at people. We do have a barking dog who barks at people, but nobody ever attacked him. My wife thinks it is someone who walks their dog in our neighborhood in the afternoon. I haven't had a fight with anyone in the neighborhood.....


  8. Disgusting behavior... I hope you find out who did this so you can personally cut their fingers off.

  9. gimme a call and I back you up on a friendly neighborhood visit. Absolutely disgusting.

  10. Let me know if you need any help. I live very close (based on your pictures). The pics of your dog make my blood boil.

  11. Big Ell! I'd love to meet you. Anyone with a profile pic as crazy as yours must be fun to hang out with.

    Patrick, my wife is on the phone tonight. Sunday is definitely on. Big Ell, Me and Patrick are going hiking in Ta-ken somewhere on Sunday, probably with some other Taichungers. Wanna come?


  12. What an outrage. And this has happened BEFORE?

  13. Yes, twice my dog was dosed with acid. So we got a home security system today.


  14. That just breaks my heart. Poor dog.

  15. Definitely on. Mark is coming as well.I will pick him up and bring him to my house. I'l let you know what time this is all taking place,but you and the family are welcome here anytime on Sunday,regardless. I started a blog. Felt too much like a voyeur.

  16. Hi: I spent a month in Taipei, 5 years ago, teaching Taiwanese people to clicker train their dogs.

    Is your dog out of your yard when this happens?

    Visit my website if you like:


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