
Monday, March 13, 2006

KMT Marchers Compare Chen To Hitler

STOP_george posted these photos from the march on Sunday, in which pan-Blue supporters paraded an effigy of President Chen-as-Hitler. Ironically, caricaturing Chiang Kai-shek, who really was a murderous dictator in charge of a right-wing Leninist state, just like Adolf, would have gotten you a long prison sentence or worse under the KMT. Us KMT watchers have to purchase irony meters by the gross.....

UPDATE: As a couple of posters at Forumosa noted, the idiots who designed the effigy got Hitler's swastikas on backwards.

UPDATE: Comrade Stalin at Forumosa posted these pics of Wego Chiang, noting:

Although I posted these here 2 years ago in a different thread, they're still relevant. The KMT has always liked swastikas, Nazi trappings, salutes and goosestepping. Here are photos of Chiang Kai-shek's son Wego. He was in the Nazi 98th Gebirgsjaeger Regiment and served during the Anschluss. Looks pretty spiffy in his uniform, wouldn't you say?

*I've updated the link and the pics are all there. Thanks to STOP_george for the info and pics!


  1. Backwards swastikas? Wouldn't that make him a Buddhist?

  2. Why not? According to the ads I saw during the election, Lian Zhan is like Gandalf and A-Bian is like Sauron. There's no way of guessing what weird #*$! they'll come up with next, but it sure is entertaining.

  3. Classic! Now, how are we going to make sure this gets on FTV News?

  4. A small correction, but his name is Wei Guo, not Wego. I would know, since I happen to be coincidentally named after elder Jiang's two sons.

    The fact that Jiang Wei Guo served with the wehrmacht isn't exactly a secret. I suppose it is rather less well known factoid but I'm surprised no one knew about this. Just for kicks, One of Mao's sons also served with the Soviet Red Army during WW2, I've got a picture of it somewhere.


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