
Monday, March 20, 2006

Blog Development

Ryan over at Taipei Nights notes this condo developer who named his development BLOG.

My tip of the day to Taiwanese marketers: If you absolutely insist on naming a condo project "Blog" because you like the way it sounds, you would be well served to at least register the domain name that you plaster all over the adverts. The geniuses who thought up this marketing campaign have "" on all of their promotional material. If take a trip to you'll quickly realize that is in no way affiliated with this large condo project. It's just (as one would expect) a blog service. How the marketing gurus sold this idea to the rich real estate developers, I have no idea.


  1. I asked the guy standing on the corner with the BLOG sign what the hell event was going on... when I heard it was a real estate development I was so disappointed.

  2. There is a new children's photography studio in Hsinchu called "Angel Blog".


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