
Monday, February 06, 2006

Blogger Meet-up Sat Feb 11 Site Change

Jerome Keating sends news of the latest Blogger Meet Up:


To all,

I hope everyone had a good new year; because of the holidays, most voted to hold the Feb. get together on Saturday February 11th at 9:30 am as usual.

However, we will have a new venue: it will be at Swensen's on Keelung Road. UPDATE: in Taipei. The address is 81 Keelung Rd. Sec. 2. (phone there is 2735-3696) For those unfamiliar with the area, it is between HoPing East Road and Hsin Yi East Road on the east side of the street.

If you come from Hsin Yi Road, it is about 2 blocks south. Go past Fridays, if you get to McDonald's you have gone too far. If you come from HoPing Road, it is about 4 blocks north, go past McDonalds and if you get to Fridays, you also have gone too far. For those who know the area, it is quite near where KuangFu South Road runs into Keelung Rd. and also where the Tong Hua Night Market dead ends into Keelung Rd.

They have a back room there which will suit us well, so be there at 9:30 am and we will see you.

Also, topics will be free flowing, but since so many brought up interesting books, that will be one area for discussion. This time bring the title of what you feel are the two most interesting books (fiction or non fiction) that have influenced your life and why.

I would like to make a list of these books so would ask all to mail me what those two books are plus a line or two on why you found them so interesting and influential in your life. I will compile the list and make copies for everyone. This will I believe help each to get to know the personalities, interests etc. of members as well as give us all a list of interesting books that we may want to look into.

Look to see you all then.


PS I guess I should mention that Al's or Jukes was sold and that is why we are not meeting there--Al sold it for personal reasons--not because we were too rowdy or poor tippers. (just joking). It was a loss of a good watering hole for many of us.


  1. i am going to assume that because an actual city name was omitted, the location is _Taipei_? i hate when people do that! i don't know where any of those places are that he mentioned, so i don't have a clue about the location. it could be Tokyo for all i know....

  2. not the center of my universe! thanks Michael. i'll look it up on my map program.

  3. You might want to right the address as Heping and Xinyi, considering that Taipei uses real pinyin on (most) signs now.

    Who is Jerome, where is his blog?

  4. Jerome Keating, his blog is on my sidebar.

    I'm too lazy to change the Pinyin. As an over-40, I reserve the right to be an old fuddy-duddy.


  5. Apologies for being on another continent, I 'd really like to be there. Send my regards to everyone, will you?

    BTW: If I were there, I'd suggest "古積入門" by 李乾郎. A fantastic introduction to Taiwanese architecture and its place in history.

  6. Obviously I need to check your web log more often as I missed this one. I would have loved to attend. Perhaps some kind of mailing list should be set up for future events?

  7. Clark -- I'd love to meet you in person; your photos are incredible. The meeting is now the first sat of every month at this Swenson's, the announcement will be on my sidebar.


  8. Is the meeting on open to bloggers?


  9. Yes, of course. Next month it will be the first Saturday at Swensons, I assume. When Jerome gives me details I'll update.



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