
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Glowing Pigs are here

Taipei Nights reports on this illuminating phenomenon of a genetic researcher with too much time on his hands:

If you're at all like me then you're sick and tired of losing your pig in the dark. Well, enterprising National Taiwan University scientists have solved our pig-losing problems by combining fluorescent jellyfish DNA with average farm pigs. The result? Glow in the dark pigs ( Not your run of the mill glow in the dark pigs either. These porkers glow inside and out. Even their organs emit a greenish aura. That's right, NTU will not settle for second rate glowing pigs. And I say it's about time. I've had to suffer long enough without access to high quality glowing pigs. I'm really glad the demand for luminiscent swine has finally been recognized.

UPDATE: Meanwhile Mutant Frog exposes the true horror of these monsters:

There is no word yet on how bioluminescence will affect the God Pig industry. According to a report last year in the Taipei Times "some farmers even pour metal into their pigs before a contest in order to increase the swine's weight." All said, we seen to be well on the way to one-ton partially metallic bioluminescent god pigs. All it takes it one minor lab accident and we're in the middle of a 1950's horror movie.

I can see Steve McQueen in this one already....


  1. Oh, my!

    Now if only the researchers could get these pigs to FLY...

  2. Shoot, just finished my post on this, and I find that ya beat me to it. Thanks for the link on the panda story.


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